“I don’t ask for much,” said this man who has held his arm up for 50 years now. We were deeply amazed by his extraordinary gesture, and upon discovering the real purpose behind it, we couldn’t help but eagerly share his story with our beloved readers.
Meet Amar Bharati.

A devoted Indian ascetic by the name of Amar Bharati has been tirelessly advocating for world peace for 50 years, all the while maintaining a remarkable gesture of raising his right hand in the air without ever lowering it.
A sadhu, which is a revered religious ascetic or holy individual in Hinduism (and occasionally in Buddhism and Jainism), is someone who has willingly renounced all worldly desires.
Mr. Bharati, previously a married man with three children who worked as a clerk in New Delhi, made a life-altering decision in 1970 when he resigned from his job and parted ways with his family and friends. His profound commitment led him to dedicate his existence to Shiva, one of the central deities of Hinduism, often referred to as “the primordial yogi.”
Next, he conceived a gesture that would become universally recognized.
Starting in 1973, he began raising his arm as a profound symbol of his unwavering devotion and as a powerful statement to actively advocate for peace and oppose conflicts worldwide. In his unconditional commitment, he endured excruciating pain for two long years, resulting in his arm losing all sensation and the muscles therein wasting away.
Indian sadhus frequently embark on the most rigorous forms of penance, demanding exceptional self-discipline, all in the pursuit of attaining liberation and enlightenment, referred to as Moksha in the Indian spiritual context.
Today, Bharati’s arm stands as a testament to his enduring resolve. It has become a mere skeletal structure, and his once-nails have transformed into spiraling claws.
In a candid interview, the wise sadhu shared his heartfelt message, saying, “I do not ask for much. Why are we fighting our sons among ourselves? Why is there so much hatred and enmity between us? I just want all Indians and the whole world to live in peace with each other.”
One can only fathom the immense pain he must have endured throughout his incredible journey. It is precisely these acts of extreme self-discipline and the underlying motivations behind them that have piqued the interest of individuals outside of India, even drawing the attention of historical figures such as Alexander the Great.
Mr. Amar has adapted to life with his raised arm.

He lives as if his arm is missing, using his other hand for everything, like eating, getting dressed, and bathing. Although it’s not easy, Amar firmly believes that this way of life brings him closer to Shiva and encourages people to think about being more peaceful in their daily routines.
“If you try to lower Bharati’s hand you will cause him real pain, not physical but spiritual, for he believes that his eternal salute does indeed promote world peace,” one of his acquaintances explained. Another individual addressed the practical aspect, pointing out that there’s a physical challenge as well. The cartilage in his elbow has dried out, making any attempt to move his arm a potential risk to his joint.
in his devoted pursuit of peace.
Before you go, make sure to read another article where we explain why rocking a peace sign in your photos can put you in danger.
Preview photo credit ERIC LAFFORGUE / Alamy Stock Photo
If you see someone with a three-dot tattoo, you might want to get out of there fast …

Most of the time, humans are incredibly creative people that are always willing to express themselves through actions that mirror their inner emotions and ideas.
To better express their inner creativity, some people write, others construct things, and yet others use art. The act of creating something that other people can understand is more significant than the technique.
This is nothing new, really. We have nearly as much history of creation and construction as a species. Take a look around you and you’ll see artistic touches in almost everything that people have created, including simple city planning, food, clothing, and architecture.
Therefore, it should not be shocking that so many of us decide to use our own skin as a canvas.
I am speaking of tattoos, which for the past few millennia have been deeply significant in a wide variety of civilizations throughout the world. Although in the past some communities disapproved of tattoos, they are now more commonly recognized as a way for the wearer to show their individuality and soul.
Although this differs from person to person, most people who choose to have tattoos consider them to be significant in some way. Words or phrases that really resonate are prevalent, as are signs and symbols indicating a passion or interest.

The notion that the majority of tattoos have a meaning is possibly what makes this so fascinating. To put it another way, they may offer a clear or hazy window into the owner’s thoughts.
Now, it’s crucial to keep in mind that this doesn’t always imply good things. Some people wear emblems that the bulk of society despises with pride. Some people have tattoos, which could be a clear warning indication.
As an illustration, take the three-dot tattoo, which is often believed to have a direct connection to the Russian penal system. You may not be familiar with the three straightforward dots in a line that we’re talking about here, but you’ve probably seen or at least heard of people with facial tattoos—many of whom have a criminal history.

Regardless, I was… and I felt it would be great to spread the word about the meaning in case you ever come across someone sporting this kind of tattoo.
In short, the three-dot tattoo has many symbolic connotations and typically represents devotion, secrecy, and the duration of a person’s prison sentence. The actual marking, which is frequently applied to the left hand, is said to have its origins in Buddhist symbology. The dots are meant to symbolize a rejection of violence and wickedness; they are said to represent the three wise monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, and say no evil.
The three-dot tattoo is really more frequently associated with the Russian prison system, as it is regarded as a mark for extremely serious offenders. A person with three dots may have spent up to thirty years in prison because each dot is meant to symbolize ten years of incarceration.
The three-dot symbol is another way that criminal groups can utilize their members to identify themselves. In these situations, others may interpret the tattoo as a threat or warning.

Having said that, it’s crucial that you follow your gut and exercise common sense when deciding how to respond if and when you come across someone who has a three-dot tattoo in person.
Some people may get it inked on them for cosmetic reasons without having any connection to illegal conduct at all. Some might have undergone reform and rehabilitation, making them less dangerous than they previously were.
Although it’s usually best to avoid making snap judgments, at least you’re maybe a little more prepared now!
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