Mum, Dad, my brother Michael: everyone in the family got more affection from our ridgeback-staffie cross. And guess whose bed she used to poo on…
I think the tone was set when Ella threw up over me on the way back from the Dogs Trust. She was three months old, rolling around on the back seat between me and my twin brother, Michael (we’d just turned seven), and wasn’t enjoying her first trip in a car. She could have been sick anywhere – over the seat, over the floor – but for some reason she decided to climb on to me first.
It was the start of a beautiful but strangely one-sided friendship. Ella, a ridgeback-staffie cross, was the perfect dog: playful, energetic, naughty and tolerant. She would let us poke and prod her without complaint, turn her ears inside-out or dress her up in T-shirts or the thick woollen poncho my Greek Cypriot grandma knitted her for the British winter. And she was endlessly loving, at least to the other members of the family. Me? Too often it was as if I didn’t exist. If Michael and I were sitting on the sofa, she’d bound up to him. If I came home after a day out with my dad, he was the one she’d jump at. If I tried to take her for a walk by myself, she’d drag her feet and insist that I fetch my brother.
To add insult to injury, about once a year she would do a poo in the house. Not just anywhere, though: she’d climb the stairs to my room and leave it in a neat pile on top of my bed.

I can’t pretend I wasn’t offended by Ella’s attitude – I loved her just as much as anyone. But it took me a while to realise that in her eyes we were both bitches fighting for our place in the pack. I read that dogs are 98.8% wolf, even yappy little chihuahuas. Ella was a definite she-wolf and my mother (she who opened the tin of dog food every night) was the undisputed alpha female. Ella could handle that fact, but she didn’t want to be the omega female. That was me.
Working out the reasons for Ella’s lack of sisterhood, understanding that her indifference was atavistic and not just casual, didn’t make me any less jealous of my brother, who always took great pleasure in the fact that Ella seemed to prefer him. But I resigned myself to the situation. And then one day (happy ending, anyone?) everything changed. I must have been 16 or 17, we’d been away for a fortnight in France, and when we got back it was me she ran up to first, whining and twisting with pleasure at seeing me again. After that it was like all those years of competition had never happened. We were best friends for ever, or at least for the couple of years she had left. Ella finally loved me.
The starving puppy abandoned at the construction site was thankfully looked after by my friend

There are stories in the broad tapestry of life’s exceptional experiences that encapsulate the essence of compassion, camaraderie, and the unbreakable relationship between humans and animals. The touching story of my dear friend’s rescue of a small puppy from the midst of a construction site exemplifies these principles.

The story begins in the frantic world of construction, which is filled with noise, dust, and machines. A tiny, defenceless puppy found herself alone in this chaotic environment, a small oasis of vulnerability amidst the concrete and steel. Her presence was almost symbolic, serving as a reminder of the great bond that exists between humans and animals. It was a pledge to protect, to nurture, to assure her safety in the face of adversity.

My companion reached out her hand, guided by an unmistakable sense of obligation, to save this frail life from the construction mayhem. She set off on an unusual quest, traversing the dangers of the construction zone in order to get to the bottom of the puppy’s plight. It was more than just a protective gesture; it was a profound act of compassion, a beacon of hope for this tiny soul despite the rigours of her environment.

The story of my friend’s puppy rescue serves as a reminder that commissions have no boundaries. It emphasises the significance of extending a helping hand and providing protection regardless of the circumstances. It motivates us to be alert and mindful of those in need, no matter how unexpected or difficult the circumstance may be.

The genuine substance of my friend’s gesture of generosity is her commitment to this puppy’s well-being. It crosses boundaries and highlights the importance of extending a helping hand and rising above the circumstances. It is a monument to the power of empathy and compassion, reminding us all that kindness can grow even in the most unlikely places.
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