John Barrymore came from a long line of theater actors. He himself first appeared on stage alongside his father in 1900, and in 1903 officially began his career, starring in the likes of Justice (1916) and Richard III (1920). His greatest role was his 1992 appearance in Hamlet, for which he was dubbed “the greatest living American tragedian.”
Barrymore also starred in a slew of silent films, most notably Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920), Sherlock Holmes (1922) and Beau Brummel (1924). He later made the transition to sound movies, starring in the likes of Grand Hotel (1932) and Midnight (1939).
On May 29, 1942, Barrymore died at the age of 60 from pneumonia and cirrhosis. What happened next has been the subject of many rumors. It’s alleged his friends, Errol Flynn, W.C. Fields and Sadakichi Hartmann snuck into the morgue where his body was being held, propped him up against a poker table and allowed him to experience one final celebration.
As it turns out, these rumors are true! In an August 2020 episode of the popular YouTube series Hot Ones, the acting legend’s granddaughter, Drew Barrymore, revealed his corpse had actually been stolen.
“Not only yes, but there have been cinematic interpretations of it,” she exclaimed. Those interpretations include S.O.B., starring Julie Andrews, and allegedly the 1989 comedy Weekend at Bernie’s, in which two friends pretend their deceased boss is alive.
Barrymore added that she wants the same to happen to her. “I will say this, I hope my friends do the same for me. That is the kind of spirit I can get behind. Just prop the old bag up, let’s have a few rounds.

“I think death comes with so much morose sadness and I understand that, but if it’s okay, just for me, if everybody could be really happy and celebratory and have a party, that would be my preference.”
Vintage Hollywood certainly was a different era…
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Rebecca Callaghan faced a challenging pregnancy in 2012 when doctors decided to induce labor early due to excess fluid around her baby.
It wasn’t until about an hour after Matilda was born that any issues were suspected. Initially, a large blue mark on her face and extending down her body was mistaken for a bruise. However, just 30 minutes later, doctors informed Rebecca and her husband that it was, in fact, a birthmark.
Two weeks postpartum, Matilda was diagnosed with Sturge-Weber syndrome, a rare neurological condition associated with skin abnormalities that can lead to paralysis, learning difficulties, and seizures.
Matilda’s health quickly deteriorated, necessitating her transfer to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, England. The parents’ joy transformed into deep anxiety, as they feared they might lose their newborn. “We couldn’t travel with her because she was so sick. Watching her taken away, we were terrified we’d never see her again”, her father shared with the Daily Mail.
Adding to their worries, they discovered Matilda had two heart defects. Despite the grim prognosis, she displayed remarkable resilience, successfully undergoing surgery. She also began laser treatments to address her unusual birthmark, a process that could take up to 16 hours to fully fade.
“She receives treatments every two months. The laser leaves her skin red and covered in blisters, which eventually heal”, her father, Paul, explained in a 2016 interview. He recounted the misconceptions from others, stating: “People assume we’ve somehow harmed her”.
Although these treatments are painful, Matilda is a cheerful child. Sadly, many stare at her or make hurtful remarks, even asking if her parents had caused her birthmark by allowing her to burn herself. “They only see the surface and make judgments. I wish they could see beyond the mole to the beautiful person she is”, Paul lamented.
In addition to her birthmark, Matilda faces vision challenges and struggles to walk. Yet, with the help of specialized equipment, she has taken steps on her own.
Despite her struggles, Matilda remains upbeat and resilient. “She’s incredibly stubborn; she’ll do things her way or not at all!” her father noted, emphasizing that she always greets others with a smile. The family regularly confronts stares, insults, and teasing, but they remain proud of Matilda. “Despite everything, she’s thriving”, her father said.
Now nine years old, Matilda’s family recently shared an updated photo of her in her wheelchair in June 2019. They have set up a fundraising page to raise £5,000 for a new wheelchair, enabling Matilda to enjoy her favorite activity: spending time outdoors, away from crowds. “We want to help her continue doing what she loves”, the page states.
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