Stop Buying Tomatoes. Use These 4 Smart Methods To Grow An Endless Supply

Find Out How to Grow Tomatoes at Home the Best Ways

A fruit with many uses, tomatoes can be added to soups, pastas, salsas, and chiles, among other dishes. Growing your own tomatoes could save you money and improve the flavor if you eat a lot of them. Though establishing a new harvest with a tomato seedling is the most popular method, there are other options to think about. These four tactics will ensure that your favorite fruit is always available.

1. Bury Slices of tomato

A plentiful harvest can result from burying tomato slices, did you know that? The Wannabe Homesteader provides an easy-to-implement and affordable fix. An overripe tomato, some planting soil, and multiple containers are all you need. Potting soil should be added to a large container until it is nearly full. Then, cover the soil with a few thin tomato slices. Pick slices with many of seeds and bury them in enough soil so they don’t sprout. Give them a week or two to begin growing.

The tomato seeds take around a week to sprout. Up to sixty seedlings can be raised in a single container. Take cuttings from the top four or five strongest sprouts and plant them in different locations. Every few weeks, check on the young plants and pull off the weaker ones to make place for the stronger ones.

2. Bury Them in the Earth

Planting your tomatoes directly in the ground will greatly boost your harvest if you have a large yard with lots of sunlight. According to Bonnie Plants, this method also lessens the requirement for watering. But be aware that rabbits and deer can like nibbling on your garden, so you’ll need to take extra care.

3. Construct a Window Box for Them

In window boxes, tomatoes can be grown successfully even in situations when you don’t have much room for a garden. Use a window box large enough to accommodate at least 1.5 liters of soil, and use a string trellis that is drilled into the wall to support the plant. Use smaller tomato types to ensure the success of this technique.

4. Use a hanging basket to grow them.

Instead of using a pot on the porch, use a hanging basket if you’re concerned that hanging a heavy box from it would damage it. But remember, since the water will evaporate faster in this container than it would in a regular one, the plant will need more water. Use a cascade cherry tomato variety, like DIY Network recommends.

An easy and affordable method to get fresh, tasty fruit all year long is to grow tomatoes yourself. Take into account these tactics to guarantee an endless supply of your preferred fruit.

Is there someone you know who might like to give tomato growing a try?

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Man Offered to Help Me with My Baby on a Plane — I Was Relieved Until I Saw…

The journey from Atlanta to San Francisco started with the usual chaos of traveling with a 14-month-old. My baby was fussy and crying, clearly uncomfortable in the confined airplane cabin. I felt the judgmental stares of other passengers, silently criticizing my inability to soothe her. Anxiety churned in my stomach as I tried everything to calm her, but nothing seemed to work.

About an hour into the flight, a kind-looking man sitting across the aisle caught my attention. With a warm smile, he offered to help, saying, “Would you like me to hold your baby for a while? I have a daughter around the same age, and I know how tough it can be. Let me take her for a bit; I think I can calm her down.”

Exhausted and desperate for a moment of peace, I hesitated only briefly before accepting his offer. He seemed genuine, and I was at my wit’s end. As he took my baby in his arms, she stopped crying and even started to smile, much to my relief.

Feeling relieved, I turned to retrieve my laptop and some snacks from my backpack, taking advantage of the calm. But when I turned back, my heart sank. My blood froze as I saw the man whispering something into my baby’s ear, his expression changing from kind to something far more sinister.

Panic surged through me. Was he trying to harm her? Was he planning to kidnap her?

My protective instincts kicked in, and I forced myself to stay calm. I couldn’t let fear paralyze me. I stood up and walked quickly but steadily towards him. “Excuse me,” I said, my voice shaking, “I think I need to take her back now.”

The man looked up, startled, but then smiled warmly again. “Of course,” he said, handing my baby back to me without any resistance. I held her close, feeling her little heart beating rapidly against mine.

As I sat back down, I watched the man out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to sense my suspicion and kept his distance for the remainder of the flight. I tried to focus on my baby, but my mind kept replaying the moment.

When we finally landed, I quickly reported the incident to airport security. They took my statement seriously and assured me they would investigate.

A few days later, airport security contacted me. They had reviewed the footage and spoken to the man. It turned out he was a well-known child psychologist who often calmed children on flights. His intentions had been entirely benign.

Feeling relieved and slightly embarrassed, I thanked them. The experience was a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and a parent’s protective instincts.

This flight became a story I shared with friends and family, not just as a cautionary tale, but as a testament to the powerful bond between a parent and child. Despite the initial fear, it had a happy ending. I learned to trust my instincts and to be open to the kindness of strangers. In the days that followed, I became more appreciative of the small moments of peace and joy with my baby, grateful for the kindness that still exists in the world.

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