People are just learning the brutal reason why you should never declaw your cats

Even though it could be better for your couch, that might not be the best thing for your cat.
Declawing is defined as “the amputation of the last bone of each toe on a cat’s paw” by The Humane Society of the United States, and that definition alone should dissuade you from engaging in the procedure.

Our animal buddies endure great anguish during declawing, as the society compared it to chopping off your finger at the last knuckle.
They continued, giving an explanation: “Using a scalpel or guillotine clipper, amputation is the usual way of declawing. The feet are wrapped, and the incisions are sealed with surgical glue or stitches.”
Recently, the declawing debate has spread to Twitter, largely due to the popular account “non aesthetic things.”
The user wrote, “This is why you shouldn’t declaw your cat,” and included a video that showed what happens to cats who are declawed.

Basically, declawing causes the last bone on a cat’s toes to be severed and removed. This impacts the tendons and ligaments and eliminates the claw entirely.
Cats may feel “extreme pain” when they learn to walk on what are essentially amputated toes, but they do heal eventually.

The movie described how this causes cats to struggle with walking, jumping, and balance, which would ultimately cause them to exhaust their nine lives.
Even in the long run, defewing can have negative effects like arthritis, persistent pain, and limited mobility.

Oh, poor infants.
Many people have flocked to the Twitter video’s comments section, where many have only recently discovered the grim reality of declawing.
One member said, “So declawing your cat is just removing parts of their feet wth.”
One person wrote, “literally, take off our very last finger bone that we literally use to type,” another wrote, “It’s absurd to think that a significant portion of people in the US declaw their cats.” A third person wrote, ” To be honest, I’ve never heard of this outside of the United States.”
Four people said, “Declawing should be banned everywhere, it’s just inhumane!” in the meantime.

I Found Out about the Birth of My Son from a Facebook Post – Is the Lesson I Taught My Wife Justified?

I Found Out about the Birth of My Son from a Facebook Post – Is the Lesson I Taught My Wife Justified?

I discovered my son’s birth through a Facebook post. What came next shattered my world and forced me to teach my wife a lesson she would never forget.

A man looking stressed | Source: Pixabay

A man looking stressed | Source: Pixabay

It’s hard to believe this is my reality. But here I am. My wife, Julia, and I had wanted kids for years. So, when she finally got pregnant last year, we were thrilled.

I wanted to be the best husband and future father I could. Her father had never been involved in her life, and my brother isn’t the most involved dad.

A couple gazing at each other | Source: Pixabay

A couple gazing at each other | Source: Pixabay

I saw too many problems up close when husbands were absent, and I was determined not to make the same mistakes. However, just a few weeks into her pregnancy, everything started going downhill.

A pregnant couple | Source: Pixabay

A pregnant couple | Source: Pixabay

Julia stopped wanting sex. “I just don’t feel like it, Mason. It’s too much right now,” she would say. I understood it was due to hormones and stress, so I respected her wishes. But then she didn’t want any physical interaction. No cuddling, no kissing. On top of that, she became increasingly distant.

A pregnant woman and her husband looking at each other in bedroom | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman and her husband looking at each other in bedroom | Source: Pexels

Her eating habits constantly changed. One evening, Julia demanded, “Mason, I need pickles and ice cream right now.”

“Sure thing, honey,” I replied, hurrying to the store. When I returned, she snapped, “I don’t want this! I want sushi!”

“Julia, you asked for this just an hour ago,” I said, confused.

“I don’t care! Just get me sushi,” she screamed. I attributed this to hormonal issues and dealt with it.

A pregnant woman touching her belly while looking at husband | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman touching her belly while looking at husband | Source: Pexels

She never let me go to any appointments or groups she attended. “It’s just easier if I go alone,” she insisted. “I don’t want you hovering over me.”

“But I want to be involved, Julia,” I protested.

“I said no, Mason!” she snapped. She spent more time away from home, became cold and bitter, and was constantly angry at me. This went on for months.

An angry man sitting by the table while looking at a woman | Source: Pexels

An angry man sitting by the table while looking at a woman | Source: Pexels

One night, I came home exhausted. “Julia, I made dinner,” I called out.

“I’m not eating that,” she said, eyeing the food with disdain.

“But I spent hours making it,” I said, frustrated.

“Do you ever think about what I want?” she shouted. “You never listen!” Then, she slapped me. I was stunned to the point of silence.

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

She stopped doing anything around the house about a month into the pregnancy. Sure, moving around is hard when pregnant, but she wouldn’t even help out with laundry. By the fifth week, I was doing everything. My work was also our primary source of income. I was barely sleeping, and running on fumes.

A young man in sleepwear | Source: Pexels

A young man in sleepwear | Source: Pexels

She made me sleep in the guest room and always tried to pick fights. “Why don’t you just leave if you can’t handle this?” she would taunt. I never even raised my voice.

I constantly reminded myself this wasn’t her and it would all be worth it. She didn’t want me to make any decisions regarding the baby. No name choices, no work on the nursery, nothing.

A tired man looking in mirror in the bathroom | Source: Pexels

A tired man looking in mirror in the bathroom | Source: Pexels

One month before she delivered, Julia yelled at me about how useless I was. “I’m going to stay with my mother. Don’t bother calling,” she declared. She refused to let me get her anything, threatened to divorce me, and even threatened a restraining order if I called her.

A woman shouting at a man | Source: Pexels

A woman shouting at a man | Source: Pexels

A couple of weeks ago, I found out about the birth of my son, Jason, from a Facebook post. Julia posted it with her mother and some family. It broke me. When I tried to visit them at the hospital, security kicked me out.

A smartphone showing a Facebook application | Source: Pexels

A smartphone showing a Facebook application | Source: Pexels

After finding out about Jason’s birth, I started doubting if Jason was mine. I wanted a paternity test, but Julia didn’t answer my calls. I was heartbroken. Two weeks later, Julia’s brother picked up the phone.

A man on a phone call | Source: Pexels

A man on a phone call | Source: Pexels

“Mason, you need to know the truth,” he said. “Julia had an affair with a coworker. She believed the baby was his.”

I was stunned. “What? How could she do this to me?”

“She didn’t know how to tell you. Her coworker promised to be with her, but he left when he found out the baby wasn’t his,” her brother explained. “I thought you should know.”

A pensive man talking on the phone while on the street | Source: Pexels

A pensive man talking on the phone while on the street | Source: Pexels

When I found out about Julia’s betrayal, I was furious. With the help of my lawyer, I demanded a paternity test. When it was confirmed that I was indeed the father, I was finally able to hold my son for the first time when he was almost a month old.

A newborn baby held by a happy father | Source: Pexels

A newborn baby held by a happy father | Source: Pexels

I then taught Julia a lesson. We had a prenup, and I owned our marital home. I filed for divorce and was confident that I would win. I also contacted Julia’s job and revealed her relationship with the coworker. Her company had strict rules and fired both Julia and the coworker.

A man and a woman discussing at their workplace | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman discussing at their workplace | Source: Pexels

I filed for full custody of Jason, claiming Julia wasn’t stable enough to provide for him. Julia begged me to forgive her, but I didn’t. She had no option left but to move in with her mother.

Julia’s life changed drastically after moving in with her mother. The relationship between Julia and her mother became strained. “How could you let this happen, Julia?” her mother would often ask, frustration clear in her voice.

Two women arguing | Source: Pexels

Two women arguing | Source: Pexels

“I made a mistake, Mom. I didn’t know it would turn out like this,” Julia would reply, her eyes welling up with tears.

Her mother sighed, “Losing your job was one thing, but your actions have consequences. Look at where we are now.”

Two women arguing | Source: Pexels

Two women arguing | Source: Pexels

Julia struggled with the reality of her situation. Every day was a reminder of her fall from grace. Without a job, she had no financial independence.

Her mother’s constant lectures didn’t help. “I can’t believe you jeopardized everything for a fling,” her mother said one evening, shaking her head in disbelief.

An unrecognizable woman having argument with an upset female | Source: Pexels

An unrecognizable woman having argument with an upset female | Source: Pexels

“Mom, I’m trying to make things right,” Julia insisted.

“Trying isn’t enough, Julia. You need to face the reality that you’ve hurt a lot of people,” her mother retorted.

Their conversations were filled with tension and regret. Julia felt trapped and isolated. Her mother’s disappointment weighed heavily on her, making her realize the full impact of her decisions. Every day, she faced the reality of her actions and the life she had lost.

A woman covering her face with her head down | Source: Pexels

A woman covering her face with her head down | Source: Pexels

After hearing me out in court and learning my story, the judge granted me full custody, especially since Julia didn’t protest. I decided to move on with my life and become the best father I could be. I allowed Julia to see Jason according to the court arrangements.

Was I justified in the lesson I taught my ex-wife?

A man in sitting on a bench near trees | Source: Pexels

A man in sitting on a bench near trees | Source: Pexels

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