Pay attention to this date from now on. It’s not an ordinary expiration date. After working for years and years in grocery stores, I see that most people just randomly buy eggs without really noticing this detail

For me and I’m sure many other egg lovers, there’s a certain satisfaction in cracking an egg. Eggs are always on my menu, whether I’m making a simple fried rice dish for dinner or a fluffy omelet for morning. I usually purchase them from the store, packed in those familiar boxes, but sometimes I acquire them at the farmer’s market. As time went on, I came to understand that cracking the codes on these boxes is a necessity rather than just an interest.

Have you ever wondered what the numbers on an egg carton meant when you looked at them? Even though those numbers appear to be some sort of code, once you know what they stand for, they are quite simple to comprehend. So, let me to clarify, shall we?The Julian Date is the birthday of your egg.First, there is the three-digit code, which appears to be made up of a random assortment of digits. The Julian date is a reference to the precise day of the year that the eggs were packaged. There are 365 days in a Julian calendar. For example, the code 001 indicates that the eggs were graded on January 1st if you observe it on the carton. A 365 code denotes December 31st. Seems very straightforward, doesn’t it?I can still clearly remember my initial experience with this. As I was examining an egg carton in my kitchen, I had the impression of Sherlock Holmes cracking a case. “Well, these eggs date back to March 15th,” I mused to myself, feeling somewhat smug. It’s similar like having the password to a select group of ardent egg enthusiasts.The Source of Your Eggs: The Packaging Plant CodeYou might see a code next to the Julian date that starts with the letter “P.” This is the plant code, and it tells you where the eggs were processed. In the event that eggs are recalled, this information is quite helpful. Knowing the plant code can help you determine whether the recall applies to your particular carton. It is a minor detail, but it makes a big difference in guaranteeing the safety of the eggs you eat.Why This Is Important. I know you’re probably wondering why any of this matters. What use does it serve to know the plant code and the Julian date? Alright, let me clarify this for you.Due to salmonella infection, there was a massive egg recall a few years ago. I had bought a few cartons from the supermarket, so I can remember it like it was yesterday. I wondered if the eggs in my refrigerator were among those being recalled, and I started to panic. But then I recalled the Julian date and the plant code. When I looked around and saw they were safe, I sighed with relief.

Eggs Lose Their Freshness and Expiration Over Time

The way the eggs are handled to ensure freshness is another crucial aspect of these standards. As long as they are stored properly, eggs can be consumed up to 30 days after the date they were packaged. This is where the Julian date comes in handy.After I come home from the supermarket, I’ve developed the habit of looking up the Julian date. It resembles a little ceremony. I take note of the date, conduct a quick arithmetic calculation, and keep track of when to use them up. It’s an easy way to make sure I always have fresh eggs, which makes a big difference in the dish’s flavor.Safety and Quality: More Than Just DatesTo ensure that you receive the tastiest eggs, there’s more to it than just knowing the Julian date and plant code. If you’re looking for anything specific, you may also search for additional markings on the carton, such the USDA grade shield and the terms “pastured” or “organic.”The fact that eggs with the USDA grade mark have undergone quality inspection and meet specific requirements is another benefit of purchasing them. The best eggs, grade AA, have solid yolks and thick whites, making them ideal for poaching or frying. Even though Grade A eggs are marginally less solid than Grade AA eggs, they are still excellent for baking and cooking.

Pastured and Organic EggsIf you enjoy eggs from hens that are allowed to roam freely, you might want to search for phrases like “pastured” or “organic.” Chickens that are fed organic feed and do not receive antibiotics are the source of organic eggs. Eggs without cages are produced by hens that are free to roam around and consume real food, which enhances the flavor of the eggs.Allow me to explain how, for me, all of this information came to be. During a Saturday morning, I made an omelet. I reached for the egg carton, saw the Julian date printed on it, and was relieved to see that the eggs had only been packed a week before. They were flawless and fresh. I broke off a few and placed them in a bowl; their rich, orange yolks suggested that they were fresh.I continued whisking the mixture after adding some milk, salt, and freshly ground pepper. I cracked the eggs into the skillet after melting a dollop of butter and allowing it to froth. After the omelet rose beautifully, I folded it and topped it with the cheese and sautéed mushrooms. Because the eggs were so fresh, I’m confident that the omelet turned out to be the greatest I’d made in a long time.

Try to decipher the codes the next time you are holding an egg carton. Knowing the Julian date and the plant code is more than just information; it is a guarantee of the quality and safety of the eggs you eat. You may improve your egg talents by knowing what those numbers represent, whether you’re scrambling eggs in the morning or baking a cake in the evening.As it turns out, it’s a fun but tiny part of the culinary experience. Who wouldn’t want to have breakfast and learn something new?

Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib – Story of the Day

Walter returns home from work to find his baby son crying. His wife has tried everything to quiet their son, but nothing works. Walter decides to check the crib and is shocked by what he finds there.

An ear-splitting wail echoed through the house as Walter entered from the garage. His wife, Abby, sat in the kitchen, and by the distressed look on her face, he knew Logan’s cries were bothering her again.

“Oh, honey,” he says and hugs her from behind. “How long has he been crying like that?”

“I’ve tried everything, Walter!” Abby broke down into sobs. “He’s been fed, changed, bathed, and burped! I even took his temperature! I don’t know what to do now. He keeps crying!”

After becoming parents a month ago, everything in the couple’s lives changed. And if there was something that really distressed Walter, it was Logan’s cries.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Come, we’ll figure this out together,” Walter said and took Abby to Logan’s room.

He cheerfully approached Logan’s crib. But all he saw in the crib was a dictaphone and a note. Walter pressed the stop button on the dictaphone, and Logan’s cries stopped.

“What did you do?” Abby called from behind. Walter wasn’t listening. He held the note and zoned out. It wasn’t until Abby snatched the note from his hand and opened it that he realized what had occurred.

“I warned you that you’d regret being rude to me.

If you want to see your baby again, leave $200,000 in the luggage storage lockers near the pier.

If you go to the police, you’ll never see him again.”

“Oh my God!” Abby gasped. “What does it mean? Was I rude to someone? Were you? Who would kidnap Logan?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Walter recalled the janitor he’d mistreated at the maternity hospital. He was bringing a cute bear-shaped pot for Abby while she was admitted to the hospital, but the pot broke when he tripped over the janitor’s broom.

Furious, Walter called the man awful names, and the janitor said, “You’ll regret it!”

“We’ll have to go to the police, honey,” Walter said, snapping out of his thoughts. “It must be him!”

“What? The note says we’ll never see Logan again if we go to the police, Walter. We should just pay the ransom!”

“We don’t know if he’ll return Logan if we do that. Think about it, honey. This guy is a janitor… there’s no way he’d know if we went to the police, and since we know where he works, they might be able to go straight to the maternity hospital, arrest him, and bring Logan home to us.”

Abby agreed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Walter parked their car outside the station. He and Abby were about to exit the vehicle when Walter’s phone buzzed with a message.

“This is your first and last warning. If you enter that police station, your kid’s going into the bay. Get the money to the location mentioned below.”

Abby gasped as she read the message, and Walter looked around, trying to spot the kidnapper. But there were too many people. The only way to rescue Logan now was to pay the ransom.

Walter decided to drive to the bank right away, but Abby’s condition deteriorated. She threw up once and was about to throw up for a second time. It was better to drive her home, Walter decided.

“Don’t hate me for it, honey, but that’s the best for you,” he said. And Abby didn’t protest.

“Fine…But Walter…does that kidnapper even know about caring for a newborn?” she asked and broke down into tears.

Walter said nothing and drove her home. But his imagination wasn’t immune to dark thoughts. He kept imagining Logan in a dark room, crying for help that never came.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Somehow pulling himself together, Walter drove to the bank. Then he visited the storage locker mentioned by the kidnapper and placed the money inside it.

There were too many people around for him to spot the janitor, but Walter knew he would be somewhere nearby, watching him. So Walter returned to his car, drove a short distance, and parked around the lockers again. It wasn’t long before he spotted the janitor from the maternity hospital.

The janitor opened the locker. Walter sat up straighter, but then a tourist group walked past, hiding the janitor from view.

“Move it!” Walter snapped.

Painful minutes stretched out as the tourists headed toward one of the statues. After the last few people in the group eventually passed the lockers, Walter swore. The janitor had disappeared.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Walter barely dared to breathe as he scanned the crowd. The man had been wearing the sort of flashy shirt sold in the more eclectic, hippie-themed stores, so he shouldn’t have been hard to spot.

There! A wave of relief washed over him as Walter spotted the janitor crossing the road. He was carrying the bag of money Walter had placed in the locker. Walter leaped from his car and followed him.

The man led him around a parking lot, past a variety of restaurants and several museums before he turned into a bus station. They were heading toward another row of lockers.

The janitor placed the bag inside a locker. When he turned around, Walter was ready. He shoved the janitor up against the lockers and held him there with his forearm.

“Where is my son?” Walter demanded. “I’ve done everything you asked, you jerk; now return Logan to me!”

“Look, I was offered $100 to collect the package and then drop it off here,” the man said. “I don’t know about your son!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Don’t you dare lie!”

“I’m not! Some guy paid me to deliver the package! I ran into him in the parking lot after work one day, but he was standing with the light behind him, so I didn’t see his face. I have two kids of my own. I’d never hurt someone else’s child.”

Something about the janitor’s eyes told Walter the older man wasn’t lying. He let the man go, then opened the locker. But it was empty. Somebody had cut a hole in the back.

Walter jogged around to the back of the lockers. The hole was covered from the back with a thin steel plate, loosely secured by two screws. Nobody around was carrying a bag like the one he’d placed the money into.

Walter didn’t know how to break the news to Abby. Logan was their miracle baby. They’d been struggling for years before they conceived him. And now, he had lost his only chance to get Logan back.

Walter entered his home. He checked all the rooms downstairs but didn’t find Abby anywhere. He went upstairs to check their bedroom and noticed Abby’s things were gone.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

At first, Walter suspected she was kidnapped. He called her. Countless times. But she never answered. Then it dawned on him that the kidnapper wouldn’t have taken all of Abby’s things. Even her hand lotion was missing.

Walter was crushed, to say the least. How could Abby do this to them? No wonder she’d been so eager to return home after feeling sick. She had also insisted they pay the ransom. Abby was Logan’s kidnapper. Did she have an accomplice?

The only thing that consoled Walter’s heart was that the ransom money was fake. He would find a way to get his son back.

Walter drove to the maternity hospital where Logan was born, and near the vending machine, he found the man he was looking for—a doctor.

“Hi,” Walter approached him. “I hope you can help me. I need someone to call my wife—”

“I’m not a phone service,” the doctor replied sharply.

“You don’t understand. I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your assistance, doctor, and your silence.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The doctor studied Walter through narrowed eyes. He slowly smiled as Walter explained his situation and told him what he wanted the doctor to tell Abby.

Walter then retrieved his wallet and furtively showed the doctor the dollar bills inside it. The man nodded. “Okay, we have a deal. Come with me!”

Walter followed the doctor to a nurse’s station on the second floor. All the nurses were checking on their patients, judging by the activity in the hallways. Nobody took much notice as the doctor lifted the phone and dialed Abby’s number.

“Good morning, Mrs. Taylor; this is Dr. Jones from the maternity hospital. I’m calling to inform you that we just discovered something very serious in one of the routine tests we performed on your son after he was born. He needs to come in for treatment immediately.”

Walter heard Abby’s emotional outcry from the other side of the nurse’s station but couldn’t make out her exact words.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t discuss the details over the phone. All I can say for now is that he has a rare genetic condition. I’m sure he does seem fine now, but that could change at any moment. He’s at a higher risk for SIDS and several other life-threatening conditions. You really need to bring him in today, Mrs. Taylor.”

Dr. Jones ended the call a few minutes later and showed Walter a thumbs-up.

“She’s going to bring the baby in ASAP.” Dr. Jones held out his hand and wriggled his fingers. “I did my bit. Now it’s time for you to pay up.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Walter paid the doctor and went back downstairs. He wandered around for a few minutes before his phone started ringing. His lip curled in disgust when he checked the caller ID.

“You have some nerve to phone me after what you did, Abby,” Walter said. “Where’s Logan? I demand you bring him back.”

“Says the man who doesn’t even care enough about him to pay the ransom!” Abby shrieked. “That money was all fake, you tight-fisted jerk. Logan needs to see a doctor urgently, and I can’t take him because of you. Where’s the real money, Walter?”

“In my account, where it’s been all along. What’s wrong with Logan, or is this just another scheme to get my money?”

Abby swore at him and began to cry. “I told you; he’s sick! You’ve got to send me the money so he can receive treatment. He’ll die without it.”

“I won’t let my son die! I’ll pay,” Walter replied and hung up.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Hearing Abby confirm she was behind Logan’s kidnapping broke his heart all over again. It took a few minutes before he pulled himself together enough to send her an immediate payment via his money transfer app. Now, all he had to do was wait.


Tears trailed down Walter’s cheeks when his little brother, James, entered the hospital with Abby. James held Logan against his chest while Abby spoke to the receptionist.

It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as the police officers and FBI agents came forward and surrounded Abby and James. Walter had informed the cops beforehand.

“You’re under arrest for kidnapping!” an FBI agent called out. “Hand the child over, nice and slowly, and raise your hands.”

“Get away from us!” Abby shrieked as she moved to stand between the FBI agent and Logan. “My son is sick. He needs to see a doctor.”

“No, he isn’t,” Walter called out as he approached the group. “There’s nothing wrong with Logan at all.”

Abby’s gaze locked onto him. Walter watched as the fear and uncertainty in her eyes shifted into red-hot fury. She rushed forward as though to attack him. But the police tackled her. She and James were arrested.

Walter hugged his son, relieved to have him back. But Abby wasn’t done yet.

“You think you’ve won? Logan isn’t even yours! You couldn’t get me pregnant, remember? But whatever’s wrong with you clearly doesn’t run in the family!” she yelled.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Walter froze. He looked at his brother, who wouldn’t even raise his head to look at him. It pained Walter. But nothing mattered because he had Logan with him.

“I will adopt him if that’s what I have to do!” he shot back. “I will watch him grow up while you two rot behind bars!” he said and left with Logan.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a woman who spots her husband taking his wedding ring off before leaving for work. She decides to follow him, only to discover something shocking.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life.

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