Paris Hilton, sad news

Paris Hilton revealed her anguish and annoyance at hearing disparaging remarks about her 8-month-old baby, Phoenix Barron, in a recent emotional social media post.

Hilton didn’t take long to protect her child from these harmful remarks because she is a strong and compassionate mother.

An Amazing and Hardy Child

Hilton, who is renowned for her composure under duress, highlighted that Phoenix the infant is both “perfectly healthy” and has a “large brain.” She wished to convey that her son is a happy, independent young man who is deserving of love and respect.

Hilton vented her frustration on her Instagram Story about people who would harm her child. She anticipates remarks because she is a well-known person, but it is just “unacceptable” and extremely upsetting to target her child or anybody else’s.

Hilton is hoping for the same in return for all of the hard work she has put into creating a loving, respectful, and accepting workplace.

The Difficulties of Being a Mother in Public

It may be difficult to navigate parenthood in the spotlight, and Hilton is aware of the particular difficulties she encounters. Some people believe she’s not a good mother if she doesn’t share pictures of her child on social media.

However, there are some that react cruelly and hatefully when she does share happy moments. Hilton doesn’t waver in her devotion to and delight in her kid, though.

She calls him the “biggest blessing” of her life and describes him as “perfectly healthy, adorable, and angelic.” Her desire to have a child has really come true.

For Hilton, spending each day with Phoenix is a potent reminder of what’s important in life. In spite of the nasty remarks, she begs for compassion and understanding from others.

She finds it hard to understand why someone would criticize such innocence. Through her brave narrative, Paris Hilton aspires to encourage greater empathy in society.

Although the event made her more aware of cruelty, it also brought her support from mothers in her community and online who stood up for her and Phoenix.

Knowing that there are so many people in the world that adore and support me fills me with such gratitude. It meant a lot to me that someone was watching out for Phoenix and that they would stand up for me.

The Paris in Love actress claims that parents have been reaching out to her via emails, direct messages, and other correspondence, saying they couldn’t believe she had to go through this at such an early stage of motherhood.

“I just read through all of the notes expressing how much people like Phoenix, how stunning he is, and how important it is to ignore trolls. Seeing how much love there is for my son and me simply meant a lot to me. I sincerely thank everyone who is reading this. I sincerely appreciate everyone’s concern for us.

paris hilton and phoenix

As she begins this new chapter of parenting with Reum, Hilton, a mother of two, enters the holiday season and declares herself to be “just over the moon that our little princess is here!”

“Having my little baby boy and now my little girl makes my life feel so complete,” the woman tells PEOPLE.

Phoenix was born, and according to Hilton, the pair is “just so grateful and so happy.” Being able to spend our first holidays as parents is amazing.

“I’m eagerly anticipating those times. I’ve always loved the holidays, but now that I have family to spend them with, they’re even more meaningful to me.

Celebrating the Arrival of Phoenix

On January 16, Paris Hilton and her husband Carter Reum welcomed their first child, Phoenix, into the world via surrogacy.

Hilton expressed her unfathomable love for Phoenix on Instagram along with the happy news of his arrival. By telling people about this amazing tale of love and hope, let’s celebrate it. We can share compassion and understanding by working together.

10 Cultural Tips You Need to Be Aware of Before Traveling to India

There are some traditions that have not gotten lost in time and are still respected. Every country and culture is different from one another, and India is a great example of this. People behave, eat, and even dress differently. They have their own traditions and customs, and as tourists, these need to be honored. And this is exactly what we’d like to bring forth in this article.

We at Bright Side have been mesmerized by the uniqueness of Indian culture, so we’d like to share with you a few useful tips to make the most out of your trip.

1. You must not touch books or instruments with your feet.

In India, children are taught from a young age that books are knowledge. They even have a Goddess of Learning, Saraswati. Therefore, touching books with one’s feet or even kicking a school bag full of notebooks or books is considered disrespectful.

Any instrument that is used to develop one’s knowledge is also considered very important and must not be touched by the feet. Even pens and pencils are important, according to Indian culture, and must be respected as such.

2. Don’t be afraid to explore Indian street food.

Exploring foreign cuisine is generally very important when visiting other countries, and sometimes the best food around is the kind made at that small corner vendor. And Indian food is no exception, as it’s one of the richest cuisines out there. It’s a must-try for sure. Just watch out for that extra-spicy food!

As with any street food experience, you must be careful. Seek fresh food, avoid milk products as they can sometimes be spoiled, avoid ice or water that was not heated well (definitely try to avoid tap water), and generally look forward to trying clean (and busy) vendors.

3. Don’t be too polite.

Saying “please” and “thank you” is normal and respectful for us, like at a restaurant or a shop. However, in India, when used too much, you can come across as rude or impolite. Who would’ve thought, right?

When it comes to friends and family, traditional ways of showing appreciation can sometimes create tension or express a level of formality that should not exist. Instead of saying “thank you,” you can try saying “I appreciate it.”

4. Only use your right hand when giving or taking anything.

Many cultures have actually adopted this practice. In many cultures, the right hand is considered pure and even lucky! In India, it is believed that the left hand is impure, as it is used for cleaning shoes, feet, and generally dirty work. So when it comes to food, drinks, and handing objects to other people, we must always use the right hand to show respect.

5. Do not point your finger.

Usually, we use our pointer finger to give directions at a restaurant or generally when referring to something in particular. But this is definitely not the case in India.

Pointing your finger at an object or place is considered rude and impolite. If you wish to give directions or point out something to someone, you must do so by using your whole palm or your thumb. This way, it’s more gentle and polite.

6. Expect to use cash only.

If you’re visiting a small town in India, you should expect to pay with cash most of the time. While in the bigger cities, malls, restaurants, and shops, credit or debit cards may be accepted, they are still rare, and the smaller cities make use of cash. So it would be smart to keep some cash with you, just in case.

7. Not everyone is going to speak English.

Of course, you might be lucky enough to be able to use English inside bigger cities, restaurants, hotels, or certain shops, however, this is not the case for smaller villages. Here, you should expect people to use their native language, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Spending time among foreign people and hearing their native language might actually do you some good. You can pick up a new language, getting to know a new culture.

8. Learn about and use traditional greetings.

Respect is required everywhere you go in the world, and India is no exception. You can show your respect for the country and its people by learning about their culture and traditional greetings. One such greeting that is used in a general manner is “namaste.” You can put your palms together and bow to show respect while saying namaste, or, if you’d like to be more formal, you can use “namaskar.”

As English has become more globalized, “hello’’ is also used, especially among tourists and foreigners. Just know that “goodbye” is usually not used, as it implies you won’t be seeing each other anymore, or that you are asking for permission to leave.

9. Don’t use public displays of affection.

Public display of affection is generally looked down upon as it is quite a private thing. However, in India, you must not show affection in public. When you visit a new or foreign country, you might want to blend in with other people so as to not get unwanted stares. This is one of those things you must do.

Try and avoid holding hands or using overly affectionate gestures in public, as it is frowned upon. You can even spend time in jail!

10. Know that in small towns, you must wear decent clothes.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when coming to India is the way you present yourself. As a quite conservative country, it’s good to respect its culture and people, and you can start with your clothes. Even if it’s hot outside, try and cover yourself. This way, you can pay your respects to the country, and also make yourself look like a local.

If you’re visiting a particular attraction, it’s important to wrap a scarf around your head to show respect and politeness.

Have you ever traveled to India? Which aspect of Indian culture intrigues you the most?

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