Quest Gulliford, a TikTok sensation and cancer survivor with a large tattoo collection, is causing waves with his viral video that exposes his bold dyed eyeballs in addition to his full body tattooing. It’s an astounding exhibition of individualism.
Successfully overcoming Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Gulliford has spent an incredible $70,000 on tattoos since starting his adventure in 2009. In his most recent TikTok video, he describes going through an eyeball tattoo, an experience that needed a great deal of mental preparation. It takes viewers on a visceral journey.

Gulliford stated, “It was definitely high risk, high reward, especially since I’ve wanted it done for so long,” in reference to the procedure’s high stakes. and after three years, I’m still really pleased with it.
He has spent over $70,000 on his distinctive style of self-expression, of which $10,000 is devoted to the modification of his eyes alone.
Gulliford acknowledged, “It took me a long time actually on the day once I walked into the shop to even psych myself up to get it done,” when describing the mental toughness needed on the day of the eyeball tattoo in Houston, Texas. In this non-traditional process, which is more like an injection or alteration than a normal skin tattoo, a needle is inserted into each side of the eyeball.

Unexpectedly, Gulliford disclosed that he intends to see the same tattoo artist the following month to improve his eye ink, demonstrating his dedication to pushing the limits of personal expression.
Among the many tattoos that cover his body, Gulliford proudly sports one that represents his successful fight against cancer. Every tattoo he has, from his first, a cross with the words “God First” on his chest, to his moving purple cancer ribbon commemorating his battle with Hodgkins lymphoma in seventh grade, narrates a tale of perseverance.

Gulliford recalled his health struggle that culminated in his tattoos, saying, “I had a big lymph node growing.” I didn’t give it much thought. It was chemotherapy for around half a year. After that, I felt as though I had superhuman strength.
In a 2019 interview with Inked, Gulliford revealed that when he first started getting facial tattoos at the age of 18, his mother wasn’t happy about it. Even though she finally came around to smaller face tattoos, her qualms were aroused as ink spread onto a larger canvas, leading her to intervene at tattoo parlors to try and discourage artists from doing larger facial tattoos.

Quest Gulliford’s unabashedly honest path of self-expression, characterized by victory over hardship, never fails to enthrall audiences, demonstrating that sometimes the most amazing tales are etched on our flesh.
Here’s What Your Fingernails Reveal About Your Personality
For centuries, people have claimed to be able to tell what someone’s personality is like, just by looking at a few basic physical features. Some believe that you can determine someone’s personality just by the length of their fingers! Some people find it very accurate and others think it’s a load of crap.
However, regardless of what your opinions may be, there used to be an entire area of science dedicated to things like this. Phrenology was used to analyze a person’s personality based on the measurements of their skull. Listed below are interpretations of what the shape of your nails may reveal about your personality:

1. The vertically long nail.
You’re probably a real romantic. Even-tempered with a strange but wonderful imagination. You can be a perfectionist and easily overwhelmed. You see the little things that few notice. People really love you. You get along with most people.
2. The broad-sided nail.
Unlike #1, you’re more short tempered. You are, however, a sharp, deep thinker. Even though you’re short tempered, people enjoy you for your straightforwardness. You can tell the difference between the truth and lies. That ability allows you to cut through the BS and offer the best advice. You don’t tell people what they want to hear, you tell them what they need to hear.

3 and 4. The “round-egg” nail.
You’re the endlessly happy one. You’re the pacifist. You’re the laid-back one. You enjoy doing things in a very unique way. You rarely go with the what the majority is doing. Even though you’re in touch with your feelings, you don’t often let them get the better of you.
5. The square nail.
You’re the gutsy one. You’re the one born a natural leader. You have a serious attitude that can put people off, but that makes your playful, good-natured moments all the more pleasant and fun for everyone around you.

6 & 7. The Triangular nail.
You’re the smart ones of the bunch. You’re typically innovative and brilliant when others demand perfection out of you. You often bring new ideas faster than most. People you meet are fascinated by you.
8. The almond nail.
You’re honest, friendly, and faithful. You’re polite but firm when it’s needed. People enjoy spending time with you because you find the good in them. You’re good at handling difficult situations.
9. The sword nail.
Last but not least, the sword nail. In your life, you’re often the tip of the sword. You’re ambitious. You work hard. You have your goals and you won’t stop until you meet them. You’re often well rounded and can handle tasks even far outside of your comfort zone. Your ambition is often contagious.
What are your thoughts on this?

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