On Tuesday, Simon Ateba, a reporter from Africa, finally snapped and Iashed out at Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean Pierre.

What sparked his fire and fury was her repeatedly dodging questions relating to Biden’s document scandaI, particularly her misleading reporters as of late.
In fact, Simon was so furious that he toId KJP, to her face, in front of all the other reporters, that she is unfit for her job.
At the beginning, Simon questioned KJP on whether she could actually handle the position. He said, Karine, since you don’t have any answer on the cIassified documents, you don’t seem a good fit for this job. We do not seem to have any answer from you.
An exchange from the January 24th press conference shows why reporters are growing so frustrated with KJP. When asked about the Biden documents and the building scandal, she refused to give any answers, instead just trying to redirect the inquisitive reporter, FNC’s Peter Doocy.
Watch the video:
Neighbor Asked My Son to Wash His Car for a Month but Refused to Pay – So I Gave Him a Lesson He’ll Never Forget

When Irene’s 14-year-old son, Ben, came home looking frustrated, she quickly found out that their smug neighbor, Mr. Peterson, refused to pay Ben for washing his car all month. Mr. Peterson claimed the car wasn’t spotless and used it as an excuse not to pay the $200 Ben had earned for his hard work.
Furious but composed, Irene decided to take matters into her own hands. The next morning, she approached Mr. Peterson, reminding him of their verbal agreement and mentioning the pictures Ben had taken of the car after every wash. Irene hinted at potential legal action, warning Mr. Peterson of the consequences if he didn’t pay. Startled, Mr. Peterson quickly handed over the $200 in cash.
When Irene returned home and gave Ben the money, he was shocked but proud of his mom’s determination. She taught him an important lesson: never let anyone take advantage of your hard work. They celebrated with lunch together, and Ben even considered applying for a new job at an ice cream parlor, knowing that if anything went wrong, his mom had his back.
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