I Was Heartbroken When I Accidentally Found Out Why My Husband Stopped Inviting Me to Dinners With His Friends

Mandy and Jack appeared to have the ideal marriage—carefree and childless. Along with many social interactions, they went on adventures together with Jack’s childhood pals. But that was three months ago. Jack began apologising for not include Mandy in activities, saying they were “just for the guys.”

Even though Mandy at first agreed with his logic, a fortuitous meeting with Jack’s buddy Kevin’s wife Marcia exposed a startling untruth. Marcia had learned from Jack that Mandy was undergoing IVF treatments. Confused, Mandy made the decision to look into it more.


Mandy discovered at home an invitation to a dinner party that Jack had failed to disclose. She sent out a double RSVP, ready to face whatever Jack was concealing. She took Jack by surprise the night of the dinner, showing him where it was without giving it away. As they got there and encountered their friends’ uncomfortable quiet, his uncertainty escalated to shock. Jack kept this information secret since Sasha, his ex-girlfriend, recently got married to one of his best buddies.

Sasha was often talking about Jack at dinner, which made things tense. Mandy started to suspect an affair as her mind raced. Mandy knew all too well that Sasha had insisted on Mandy’s absence from the activities because of past pettiness, as Jack revealed on the trip home. While acknowledging his mistake in concealing Sasha’s involvement, Jack insisted he had no romantic relationship with her.

Jack apologized once more while making tea at home. He was subsequently approached by Mandy over the IVF hoax. Jack shyly said that he had made it up in response to peer pressure because he didn’t want to have to justify their childless lifestyle. They both agreed that it was ridiculous, reaffirmed their choice to not have children, and made plans to improve their communication going forward. Their love for one another endured in the face of chaos.

20 Pics That Perfectly Explain What Having a Pet Is All About

When you have a kitty or a doggo, you’re almost sure there’s something special waiting for you at home. A pup that’s terrified when he sees you in a bath for the first time, a cat that won’t stop walking on its hind legs, and a dog that’s just crazy about… fresh carrots. They all have their own quirks, and we love them even more when we discover yet another one.

Here at Bright Side, we laughed until we cried while looking at these funny photos, and now we want you to get your daily dose of laughter too.

1. “This woman was walking around NYC with this label on her shoe.”

2. “Karen, I’m concerned, are you aware water CAN KILL YOU!?”

3. “Trained my cat to stand up. Now she won’t stop.”

4. “My name’s Mookie. I hide in mom’s purse when I’m nervous.”

5. “My dog has loose lips that get stuck on his gums after he yawns.”

6. The best way to spend time in a traffic jam

7. “So… I recently discovered my dog likes carrots.”

8. “I cannot take her seriously when she looks like this.”

9. “Me with our dog and my wife with our cat”

10. “Somebody said black cats are hard to photograph for social media. Well, meet Thor.”

11. “She thinks it’s her job to pull rocks out of the lake. The big one weighs 14 lb.”

12. When you let your white dog out after you mow the lawn:

13. “The way my cat decided to sit down”

14. “The face he makes when he knows he’s in trouble… every time!”

15. “When my cat gets spooked by a sound in the next room:”

16. “I put my inside cat outside and walked out to this 5 minutes later.”

17. Oh well… Looks like he’s comfortable…

18. “Delighted to have some uninterrupted downtime with a good book…”


19. “My cat escaped. Found her the next day outside my son’s bedroom window.”

20. “Finally got a picture of my cat looking at the camera.”

When was the last time your pet made you laugh out loud with their quirks? Do you have a funny picture of them acting out? Share your stories and pics in the comments below!

Preview photo credit KatraHigher / Twitter

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