Making the heart-wrenching decision to take a loved one off life support is one of the most difficult choices anyone could face, especially when the prognosis is grim.
Ryan Finley was confronted with this agonizing choice when his wife, Jill, slipped into a coma. It began when Ryan found her unresponsive, not breathing. He acted quickly, performing CPR and praying fervently as he awaited paramedics, despite understanding that her chances were slim.

Although paramedics managed to revive Jill, her heart was weak, and her breathing was labored. She was rushed to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital, where doctors placed her in a cooling suit to prevent further brain damage. However, she remained in a coma.
Ryan held onto hope, praying daily, but as weeks passed, doctors told him Jill’s chances of recovery were nearly nonexistent. Heartbroken, he was asked to consider taking her off life support.
In his diary, Ryan recorded his devastation. “Today could be the worst day of my life. I essentially have to decide whether or not she will die,” he wrote. Imagining what Jill would want, he felt she wouldn’t want to live like that, so he made the agonizing decision.

As family members gathered to say their final goodbyes, the machines were turned off. But Jill didn’t pass right away; doctors explained that her body was in a “last rally” phase.
In that moment, Jill began to murmur. To Ryan’s amazement, she spoke, telling him to get her out of there and suggesting they go to the Melting Pot or Ted’s, two of her favorite Mexican restaurants.
Source: YouTube Screenshot – Facing Life Head On
Ryan’s hope surged, and, against all odds, he believed Jill would recover. He was right. Jill began breathing on her own, later undergoing heart surgery and rehabilitation.
Reflecting on her experience, Jill shared that she had no memory of the coma but struggled with short-term memory and a few speech issues. Otherwise, she felt well and was grateful for the second chance at life.
Now, Ryan and Jill cherish every moment together, stronger than ever. “We cherish each day, each minute, each hour now,” Jill told TODAY. “Not that we didn’t before, but it puts everything in perspective.”
This incredible story reminds us of the power of hope and resilience.
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