Hollywood icon Jodie Foster is now over 60 and she looks completely different now

From the dawn of her exposure to the spotlight, which dawned upon her at the tender age of 3, this exceptionally talented actress embarked on a journey towards fame that few could match.

By the time she crossed the threshold into 14, she had already engraved her name in the annals of Hollywood with an Oscar nomination, marking the promising start of what would blossom into a remarkable career. Yet, as time unfurled its tapestry, one can’t help but wonder: what is her life like today?

Admired for her esteemed position as one of the privileged few to boast multiple Oscar nominations, her mere mention conjures images of cinematic brilliance and triumph at the box office.

Blessed with a filmography adorned with iconic roles in some of the most cherished and unforgettable productions, her mere involvement in a project virtually assures its potential as a blockbuster, enthralling audiences and critics alike with her unparalleled skill and mesmerizing performances.

What truly distinguishes her is her exceptional versatility as an actress, evident in her ability to seamlessly inhabit a diverse array of characters, each infused with richness, intricacy, and authenticity.

Despite not fitting into the mold of conventional beauty standards, there is an undeniable allure and magnetic charm in her unique appearance, a quality that continues to enchant and resonate with viewers worldwide.

Yet, in a marked departure, her recent pursuits have witnessed a shift away from the luminance of the silver screen, opting instead to delve into and express her creative prowess behind the lens.

Venturing into the realms of directing and producing, she persists in making a lasting impact on the landscape of the industry, molding narratives and animating tales with her distinctive perspective and wisdom.

Perhaps emblematic of her steadfast dedication to her artistry, the revered figure has embraced a more muted and understated demeanor in her personal style and presentation.

Celebrating the elegance of embracing age gracefully, she confidently displays her natural gray hair and shuns the conventions of heavy makeup, choosing instead a refreshingly natural aesthetic, often paired with relaxed and unpretentious attire.

However, amidst her journey in the industry and personal preferences, one can’t help but reminisce: what are some of the standout films that showcase the remarkable talent and unforgettable presence of Jodie Foster?

The Tragic Reason Why One Man Actually Turned Blue Forever

The world’s most famous blue man, Paul Karason, also dubbed Papa Smurf, was born as a fair-skinned, freckled boy with ginger hair. In the 2000s, he became an internet sensation and made many TV appearances, openly talking about his condition. Let’s find out together why Karason turned blue and how he became a cautionary tale.

Paul Karason had a skin condition that made his skin flake, as well as acid reflux and arthritis. Doing his own research in order to improve these ailments, he found out about a solution of silver in water, also known as colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver was widely used as an antibiotic back before penicillin was invented in the 1930s. It was banned in 1999 in over-the-counter medications after scientists found that it can severely damage internal organs.

The late Paul Karason and his wife, Joanne

Karason drank what he believed was a miracle cure for over 10 years. Moreover, he even began to apply a silver preparation directly to his skin; he claimed his acid reflux and arthritis just went away. “I had arthritis in my shoulders so bad I couldn’t pull a T-shirt off. And the next thing I knew, it was just gone,” he shared.

Due to the silver accumulation in his skin, he started to turn blue and suffered from a permanent and rare condition called argyria. Only when Karason met an old friend who asked him, “What have you done to yourself?” did he begin to realize he’d become blue.

Karason claimed his blue skin had many advantages — he never got sunburns or had to wear sunglasses. There were some side effects he did not appreciate, however, such as folks “being less than polite” to him. Moreover, Karason confessed he couldn’t get a job because of employers’ resistance to hiring “people that are blue or that are noticeably different.”


Sadly, Paul Karason passed away in 2013 when he was 62 years old due to heart complications.

Papa Smurf’s story serves as a valuable lesson about the importance of being careful when it comes to at-home remedies. While it’s natural to want to find easy solutions to health problems, it’s important to be aware that such remedies can sometimes pose serious risks. It’s always better to consult a doctor and follow their advice for a safe and effective treatment.

Preview photo credit Inside Edition / YouTube

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