Note: we are republishing this story to raise awareness for the Mike Biadasz farm safety and education memorial fund. Learn more at their Facebook page here as well as their website here.
A farmer and 16 of his cattle have died in a freak accident after a “dеаdly dome of air” formed in a Wisconsin farm’s manure holding tank.!!
According to WAOW, a 29-year-old farmer named Michael Biadasz, from Amherst, Wisconsin, died of gas poisoning on his family’s farm after being overcome by fumes of either methane or sulfur oxide. Initially, 13 of the farm’s cattle died as well; later, three more expired, bringing the total to 16 cattle dеаths.
The 29-year-old’s father, Bob Biadasz, co-owner of Biadasz Farms, said that the tragedy was the result of a “perfect storm” of unusual and unexpected weather conditions. When the tank was prepped to be pumped, warm upper air temperatures trapped the gases in a dome of air which then poisoned Michael and the cattle.
Biadasz was reportedly found dеаd when other workers arrived to begin hauling manure away from the tank.
“The family is devastated, absolutely devastated,” Portage County Coroner Scott Rifleman told WAOW.
Rifleman told WSAW that gas poisoning dеаths typically occur in closed areas, making the incident even more surprising. The coroner said that atmospheric pressure prevented the gases from dissipating.
The coroner went on to say that an investigation is underway to determine exactly what caused Biadasz’s dеаth. According to Rifleman, Biadasz had safely emptied the same tank hundreds of times prior to the fatal incident.
The Biadasz family honored Michael by parking a line of tractors and machinery along the road that passes the farm. Among the vehicles parked are a blue tractor, several red trucks, and Michael’s black pickup truck…
“As if there isn’t already enough dаngеr in the lives of farmers, this family had to suffer this freak accident,” one Facebook user commented on the story. “So sad.”
Following the tragic accident, many are calling for tougher regulations to be placed on manure holding tanks to prevent a similar incident in the future. According to All That’s News, the National Agriculture Safety Database says that there should be proper ventilation in areas where animals are stored and that warning signs must be posted nearby.
“In addition to adhering to proper construction and maintenance procedures for liquid manure storage facilities, owners should be encouraged to follow a few precautionary measures to protect both workers and livestock from harmful manure gases,” the NASD writes.
WASW reports that a similar unfortunate fate befell a Virginia family in 2007, when five of its members died as a result of a pipe blockage that caused a fatal buildup of methane gas.
Woman Who Is Allegedly Having an Affair With Prince William Speaks Out on the Rumors
Amid swirling rumors around the health of the Princess of Wales and her absence, a new shocking report has surfaced alleging that Prince William is having an affair. Here’s what we know about it and the mystery woman.
Kate’s long disappearance.

Speculation about Prince William’s fidelity has come into the spotlight once again. On an episode of The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert mentioned, «The kingdom has been all fluttered by the seeming disappearance of Kate Middleton… Kate’s absence may be related to… William, having an affair.» The conversation didn’t stop there, as he added, «The other alleged woman is — The Marchioness of Cholmondeley… there have been rumors of an affair since 2019.» This has reignited conversations about the royal couple’s private life.
«According to tabloids back then, when Kate supposedly confronted him about it, he laughed it off, saying there was nothing to it. Always a good response when your wife accuses you of cheating,» he continued.
The allegations run deep.

In April 2019, there were quiet talks about Prince William and Rose Hanbury. People whispered that William might not have been loyal to Kate, especially after a supposed falling out between Kate and Rose. The gossip came back into the spotlight when the palace didn’t share why Kate was in the hospital.

Kate has been resting away from the public eye since she left the hospital. The royal household said she won’t be back to her royal responsibilities until Easter is over. Rose, a former model who is married to David Cholmondeley and has three kids, is closely connected to the royal family. Her grandmother was a bridesmaid at Queen Elizabeth II’s wedding, and her son was part of King Charles III’s coronation ceremony.

Back in 2019, a magazine claimed there was an affair, which shocked the high society. Kate seemed to be uneasy with William’s public behavior and kept her distance from Rose, which made people think there was a problem.
Rose has finally spoken on the matter.
Lady Rose Hanbury, 40, addressed the whispers about her and Prince William recently. The mother of 3 made a public statement via her lawyers denying the rumors saying the rumors of her having an affair with William «are completely false.»
A recent photo shared by Kate became a huge topic of controversy. Check it out here.
Preview photo credit Wojciech Olkusnik/East News, IAN VOGLER/AFP/East News, PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo
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