American Civil War True or False Quiz

Test your knowledge of the American Civil War with this quiz and answer whether the following 10 statements about the conflict are true or false!

1. True or False: The American Civil War began in 1860.

Confederate flag flying over Fort Sumter -- photo from 1861. Image is a detail from a stereoscopic photograph taken by Alma A. Pelot on the morning of April 15, 1861.

Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

2. True or False: South Carolina was the first US state to secede from the Union.

The ruins of Mills House and nearby buildings, Charleston, South Carolina, at end of American Civil War. A shell-damaged carriage and the remains of a brick chimney are in the foreground - 1865Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

3. True or False: Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States at the beginning and the end of the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln, three-quarter length portrait, seated and holding his spectacles and a pencil, 5 Feb 1865

Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

4. True or False: About 10% of the US population served in the military during the American Civil War.

Photograph of the assembled officers of the 80th New York Infantry (20th N.Y.S.M.) at their encampment at Culpepper, Virginia. Glass collodion wet negative. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1863Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

А Wоmаn Тrаnsfоrms а Воеing 747 intо а Drеаm Ноmе

The trend of building homes using non-traditional materials, including buses, tiny houses and shipping containers, continues to grow in popularity.

These unique and affordable alternatives offer the same level of comfort and plenty of customization options. But Jo Ann Ussery pioneered this trend long before it became a thing.

After his home in Benoit, Mississippi was destroyed in 1993, he embarked on a unique adventure transforming an old Boeing 727 into a beautiful, fully functional home.

From tragedy to triumph
Ussery’s journey began when her husband died unexpectedly, leaving her and her two children in need of a new home. Facing financial difficulties, he initially considered the purchase of a trailer as a solution.

But he soon realized that he couldn’t afford to buy a house big enough to accommodate his growing family. Then Ussery’s father-in-law, Bob, an air traffic controller, suggested the unusual idea of ​​living in an airplane.

Intrigued by the concept, Asseri went to see the Boeing 727 disassembled and fell in love at first sight. fatty? It’s only 2,000 won including shipping. Ussery was inspired by Donald Trump’s personal Boeing 727 and named his new acquisition “Little Trump”.

With determination and creativity, Usseri began the important task of transforming the aircraft into a unique and comfortable home. With $30,000 (the equivalent of about $60,000 today), he began a project that would require a significant time and financial investment.

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