Heavily-Tattooed Woman Says It’s “Not Fair” That She Can’t Get A Job

Putnam’s first complaint centered around the impersonal nature of receiving a rejection email rather than a phone call. While this is common practice for large corporations, she felt it was insensitive given her efforts in applying for the job.
Upon visiting her local TJ Maxx to inquire about the rejection in person, Putnam was told by an employee that she lacked sufficient experience for the position. However, she suspected that her tattoos played a significant role in the decision, despite the employee’s assurance to the contrary.
Despite her disappointment, Putnam emphasized that she did not necessarily need the job but was seeking additional income to pay off debt more quickly. However, she found it unfair that her tattoos seemed to be a determining factor in her employability.

Putnam’s visible tattoos include imagery with Satanic connotations, such as a goat representing the deity Baphomet and a Leviathan Cross. While it’s unclear whether hiring managers saw her tattoos during the application process, thousands of TikTok users commented on her post, suggesting that her tattoos likely influenced the decision.
Some commenters argued that visible tattoos could be perceived as unprofessional, especially in customer-facing roles like those at TJ Maxx. Others pointed out the challenge for young adults without prior work experience to secure employment if companies prioritize experience over potential.

The incident raised broader questions about societal attitudes towards body modifications and hiring practices. Putnam questioned why tattoos should be a barrier to employment, especially when many individuals with tattoos are highly capable workers.
While there’s no definitive evidence that Putnam’s tattoos directly led to her rejection, the incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding appearance-based discrimination in the workplace. As discussions continue, it’s essential to consider how hiring practices can be more inclusive and equitable for all candidates, regardless of their appearance.

10+ People Who’d Really Like to Restart Their Unfortunate Day

Statistics show that people who believe in bad luck will have more accidents on Friday the 13th. Our brains also seem to only hold onto the ill-fated times — like when we drop an egg on the floor, that memory will stay with us for quite some time, even if we successfully didn’t drop it hundreds of times.

Shared sorrow is half a sorrow, and on this note, Bright Side found 17 people who would like to push the “undo” button on their terrible day.

1. “This tree fell and pulled the whole lawn up with it.”

2. “My friend’s car was squished by a tree earlier today after some high winds.”

3. “Started a new job and was told they recycle their earplugs at the end of every shift. I think I’ll just go buy my own.”

4. “I dropped my deep fat fryer on my wooden floor.”

5. “We had a huge storm the other day, and this happened to my friend.”

6. “The watermelon I grew”

7. “That’s my luggage, and it’s not on the plane.”

8. “I have a shy bladder and walked into my worst nightmare.”

9. “The one time I decided to drive instead of ride my bike, this happened halfway to work.”

10. “All I wanted was to make myself some orange juice.”

11. “How my friend’s Friday the 13th started out”

12. “I’ve seen it happen in movies but never dreamed I would see it in real life.”

13. “Just so you know, a 10-foot pipe does not fit in a Toyota RAV4.”

14. “Ate a huge bag of trail mix for about 1 month. Got to the bottom and found 3 rusty screws.”

15. “If you were a cat, there’s a 9/10 chance you’d be named ’Socks.’”

16. “My bedroom ceiling collapsed.”

17. “Tenants called today to tell me the toilet wouldn’t flush, the plumber turned up to this.”

What’s worse — a sock sliding down inside one of your shoes or wearing wet socks? How do you spoil yourself on those days when nothing seems to go right?

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