20 Pics That Perfectly Explain What Having a Pet Is All About

When you have a kitty or a doggo, you’re almost sure there’s something special waiting for you at home. A pup that’s terrified when he sees you in a bath for the first time, a cat that won’t stop walking on its hind legs, and a dog that’s just crazy about… fresh carrots. They all have their own quirks, and we love them even more when we discover yet another one.

Here at Bright Side, we laughed until we cried while looking at these funny photos, and now we want you to get your daily dose of laughter too.

1. “This woman was walking around NYC with this label on her shoe.”

2. “Karen, I’m concerned, are you aware water CAN KILL YOU!?”

3. “Trained my cat to stand up. Now she won’t stop.”

4. “My name’s Mookie. I hide in mom’s purse when I’m nervous.”

5. “My dog has loose lips that get stuck on his gums after he yawns.”

6. The best way to spend time in a traffic jam

7. “So… I recently discovered my dog likes carrots.”

8. “I cannot take her seriously when she looks like this.”

9. “Me with our dog and my wife with our cat”

10. “Somebody said black cats are hard to photograph for social media. Well, meet Thor.”

11. “She thinks it’s her job to pull rocks out of the lake. The big one weighs 14 lb.”

12. When you let your white dog out after you mow the lawn:

13. “The way my cat decided to sit down”

14. “The face he makes when he knows he’s in trouble… every time!”

15. “When my cat gets spooked by a sound in the next room:”

16. “I put my inside cat outside and walked out to this 5 minutes later.”

17. Oh well… Looks like he’s comfortable…

18. “Delighted to have some uninterrupted downtime with a good book…”


19. “My cat escaped. Found her the next day outside my son’s bedroom window.”

20. “Finally got a picture of my cat looking at the camera.”

When was the last time your pet made you laugh out loud with their quirks? Do you have a funny picture of them acting out? Share your stories and pics in the comments below!

Preview photo credit KatraHigher / Twitter

‘Outdated, punishing rules’ – Mom fights for son, 8, to keep his long hair despite schools rejecting him

We can all connect to school regulations, even though our recollections of school can be both happy and sad. It’s a turbulent time filled with highs and lows.

While some regulations, such as prohibiting jewelry during sporting events, make sense, it seems wasteful of resources and misses educational opportunities for the children engaged to send someone home with excessive makeup or because they brought in a particular soda.

Schools’ stringent policies on children’s appearance frequently conflict with the moments in their lives when they desire to stand out and express themselves.

These regulations may have gone too far for one mother and her kid and may have prevented an 8-year-old boy from receiving a quality education.

Model scouts are drawn to Farouk James of London, England, because of his gorgeous head of hair. He’s done photo sessions in Italy and New York and is currently employed as a child model.

However, his look has only caused problems for him in the classroom; because of the length of his hair, he has been turned down by several schools.

James’s mother, Bonnie Miller, claims that she was informed that her older brother’s hair was too short while he was in school.

According to Bonnie, Farouk’s father is from Ghana, and his parents didn’t cut his hair until he was three years old due to cultural customs.


Bonnie told CBS News, “At that point, he was attached— and so was I, to be honest— with his beautiful hair.” “We only retained the hair.”

The family resides in the UK, where the majority of schools have a regulation prohibiting boys from having long hair, even if girls are permitted to.

According to Bonnie, it is against children’s human rights to have them cut their hair.

His mother Bonnie posted on Instagram, saying, “I will not give up trying to persuade governments to put legislation in place to protect children from these outdated, punishing rules.”

“You reject Farok even though he hasn’t done anything wrong! When his friends are all admitted to the universities he so much wants to attend, he will have to say goodbye to them.

Bonnie even created a Change.org petition to outlaw hair prejudice in the United Kingdom as a result of this circumstance.

Bonnie declared, “We’re assembling a real team and dubbed it the Mane Generation.” “We will battle this until these regulations are altered. And it’s not limited to the United Kingdom; it’s worldwide.

With over a quarter of a million followers, Farouk’s mother runs an Instagram account that highlights his life as a playful boy and child model.

But even with all the love and support he receives on the internet, they continue to get hate mail. Following her discussion of the family’s effort to find a school that will accept Farouk and his hair on the well-known U.K. TV morning show “This Morning,” Bonnie claimed she received a lot of harsh feedback.

Bonnie remarked in May of last year, “This is mental health week, so I’m surprised to be receiving lots of negative comments about Farouk’s hair.”

“Farouk does not keep his hair long at my request, but it is a God-given aspect of him, and he will not cut it to please anyone.”

Bonnie contends that since many schools forbid braids and dreadlocks, the dress codes for boys and girls in schools are antiquated and occasionally discriminatory.

The mother promises that she will never give up on getting acceptance for Farouk, his hair, and all the other kids who face prejudice for wishing to show their identity and cultural background.

Farouk’s hair is an integral part of who he is, and in 2022, it will not be acceptable for those entrusted with our children’s education to reject a child because of the color of their hair. These regulations ought to be outlawed.

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