The Tragic Reason Why One Man Actually Turned Blue Forever

The world’s most famous blue man, Paul Karason, also dubbed Papa Smurf, was born as a fair-skinned, freckled boy with ginger hair. In the 2000s, he became an internet sensation and made many TV appearances, openly talking about his condition. Let’s find out together why Karason turned blue and how he became a cautionary tale.

Paul Karason had a skin condition that made his skin flake, as well as acid reflux and arthritis. Doing his own research in order to improve these ailments, he found out about a solution of silver in water, also known as colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver was widely used as an antibiotic back before penicillin was invented in the 1930s. It was banned in 1999 in over-the-counter medications after scientists found that it can severely damage internal organs.

The late Paul Karason and his wife, Joanne

Karason drank what he believed was a miracle cure for over 10 years. Moreover, he even began to apply a silver preparation directly to his skin; he claimed his acid reflux and arthritis just went away. “I had arthritis in my shoulders so bad I couldn’t pull a T-shirt off. And the next thing I knew, it was just gone,” he shared.

Due to the silver accumulation in his skin, he started to turn blue and suffered from a permanent and rare condition called argyria. Only when Karason met an old friend who asked him, “What have you done to yourself?” did he begin to realize he’d become blue.

Karason claimed his blue skin had many advantages — he never got sunburns or had to wear sunglasses. There were some side effects he did not appreciate, however, such as folks “being less than polite” to him. Moreover, Karason confessed he couldn’t get a job because of employers’ resistance to hiring “people that are blue or that are noticeably different.”

Sadly, Paul Karason passed away in 2013 when he was 62 years old due to heart complications.

Papa Smurf’s story serves as a valuable lesson about the importance of being careful when it comes to at-home remedies. While it’s natural to want to find easy solutions to health problems, it’s important to be aware that such remedies can sometimes pose serious risks. It’s always better to consult a doctor and follow their advice for a safe and effective treatment.

Preview photo credit Inside Edition / YouTube

Archaeologists Believe They Have Found Noah’s Ark

One of the longest-standing questions in biblical archaeology is the whereabouts of Noah’s Ark’s remnants. A massive wooden vessel known as Noah’s Ark, according to the Bible, protected Noah, his family, and pairs of every animal species from a devastating deluge that inundated the Earth approximately 5,000 years ago. Even while this myth has long been central to many theological ideologies, it has been difficult to use scientific evidence to support its historicity. Archaeologists believe they are now one step closer to confirming the resting place of Noah’s Ark, but recent discoveries have given new life to this ancient search.

This archaeological study has its core in Turkey, more precisely in the Doğubayazıt area of Ağrı, where a mysterious geological structure that resembles a boat-shaped mound has been studied since 1956. This location is consistent with the biblical story that the Ark landed on the “mountains of Ararat” in Turkey after a 150-day flood wiped out all life on Earth. With its impressive 16,500 feet of elevation, the mountain itself is shaped like an ark.

A group of specialists from Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ), Andrew University, and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (AİÇÜ) headed the expedition, which started in 2021 and is still going strong. The main objective of the research is to examine soil and rock samples taken from the location in an effort to find solid proof that could support the presence of Noah’s Ark.

The team took thirty samples of rock and soil fragments from the location in December 2022, and the samples were examined at the ITU laboratory. Researchers are really excited by the preliminary findings. The samples included residues of seafood along with clayey and marine elements. The findings, researchers say, clearly point to human activity at the boat-shaped mound between 3000 and 5500 BC.

Because it closely corresponds with the biblical timeline of the Great Flood, which occurred approximately 5,000 years ago, dating human activity to this era is extremely significant. To be sure that Noah’s Ark is present at this location, further thorough investigation and study are nevertheless required, according to the researchers, who are nevertheless wary.

In response to the results, AİÇÜ Vice Rector Professor Faruk Kaya said, “The initial results of the investigations indicate that human activity has been in the area since the Chalcolithic era, which occurred between 5500 and 3000 BC. We know that Prophet Noah’s flood occurred 5,000 years ago. It is also said that there was life in this area when it comes to dating. The outcomes of the lab tests demonstrated this. With the dating, it is impossible to claim that the ship is here. To make this clear, we must work for a very long time.

Although these results are fascinating, it’s important to remember that they don’t offer solid proof of Noah’s Ark’s presence. Recognizing that there is skepticism surrounding this quest, the experts on the expedition are dedicated to carrying out rigorous and exhaustive scientific examinations in order to completely validate their findings.

The geological past of Mount Ararat is one area of disagreement in the discussion of the Ark’s location. Young Earth creationist Dr. Andrew Snelling, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, has contended that Mount Ararat cannot be the location of the Ark because the mountain formed after the floodwaters subsided. The complexity of the Noah’s Ark story and the variety of viewpoints that surround it are shown by this divergence in interpretation.

Finding Noah’s Ark is still a difficult and controversial task in the field of biblical archaeology. Some view the story skeptically, focusing on the symbolic and metaphorical elements found in religious scriptures, while others continue to ponder the alluring prospect of finding one of history’s most famous boats.

The search to verify the presence of Noah’s Ark is evidence of humanity’s never-ending curiosity with solving the secrets of our history, regardless of the conclusion of this continuous archaeological inquiry. It serves as a reminder that, despite obstacles posed by science, the quest for knowledge and comprehension is nonetheless fundamental to the human experience.

In conclusion, we are getting closer to maybe verifying the presence of Noah’s Ark thanks to the archeological dig in Turkey. By analyzing soil and rock samples, scientists have found evidence of human habitation from a time closely linked to the biblical story of the Great Flood. To be clear, more research is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Noah’s Ark was present at this location. Nevertheless, it is imperative to embrace these discoveries with cautious hope. No matter what happens, this search is a prime example of how humans have always been fascinated by solving old mysteries and examining the nexus between faith, history, and science.

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