‘Dumped’ 16-Year-Old Dog’s Distressing Cries Rocked Woman To Her Core

At 16 years old, Link, a senior dog, found himself abandoned at a shelter, bewildered and heartbroken. The little dog, who had spent his entire life with one family, couldn’t understand why he was left behind and would cry for hours in confusion.

Enter Carly, who discovered Link through a photo shared by her friend Angel. Despite Link’s advanced age and health issues, Carly felt an immediate bond with him and knew she had to give him the loving home he deserved. Upon meeting him at the shelter, their connection was undeniable, with Link calming down as soon as he heard Carly’s voice and felt her soothing touch.

Without hesitation, Carly made the decision to adopt Link, giving him the chance for a new beginning in a forever home filled with love and care.

Image/Story Source Credit: GeoBeats Animals via YouTube Video

After Carly brought Link home, she observed how her own dog, Toad, was ecstatic to meet his new friend. In the initial days, Toad was particularly attentive to Link’s health concerns, staying by his side constantly. Link, troubled by skin problems, would often whine and itch. Recognizing Link’s distress, Toad assumed the role of his emotional support, a role he continues to fulfill to this day.

Image/Story Source Credit: GeoBeats Animals via YouTube Video

After two years with Carly, Link has transformed from a shy, almost furless dog into a vibrant, furry companion. Now approximately 18 years old, Link has regrown a significant amount of fur and appears entirely different. Toad, the cuddly 80-pound dog, adores his tiny 7-pound brother, and they are often found snuggled together on the couch.

Carly frequently hears comments from onlookers about the unique duo during their walks. Despite his advanced age, Link is an energetic and demanding dog, always ready to bark, explore, and meet new people.

Link’s health has seen considerable improvement under Carly’s care. Although he has a cataract in one eye that affects his vision, Carly has ensured that he receives all necessary treatments for his allergies and skin issues, allowing him to enjoy a much more comfortable and happy life.

Carly and Toad consider themselves fortunate to have Link in their lives and are thankful for the chance to care for him and shower him with love in his final years. While I can’t play videos, I can imagine the heartwarming scenes of Link’s remarkable transformation and his endearing bond with Toad. This story serves as a beautiful reminder that dogs of all ages are worthy of a forever home and the unconditional love they bring to our lives.

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A sad dog in the shelter can scarcely raise her head and begs softly for a reassuring pat on the back.

John Hwang, an animal enthusiast and photographer, encountered a dog at a shelter that utterly stole his heart.

A sad dog at a shelter can barely lift her head to ask for a hug.

John Hwang, an animal enthusiast and photographer, met a nice dog at the Baldwin Park animal shelter in Los Angeles. The guy often visits such facilities to spend time with animals in need of affection, and it was there that he saw the 10-year-old dog, who was quite depressed and curled up in a corner, not moving at all.

The Dodo was informed by John. “My first reaction was that this dog was bashful or sad and didn’t want to engage with me.” “I was astonished when she came me when she saw me.”

Indeed, as soon as she spotted John, she went on all fours, and he observed that she was shivering slightly.

A shelter dog lifts her head to be petted.

“She appeared clumsy, yet the way she moved was adorable,” John adds. She was filthy, but her heart was pure.”

The dog wanted to be loved. She began by sniffing John from a safe distance, but before long, her body was leaning against the fence, as if yearning to be a member of a family. Of course, John began caressing her, and they spent some time together relaxing and enjoying one other’s company.

“We certainly could have sat there all day,” John continued.

Although the dog seemed afraid at first, she rapidly showed John all the love she had to offer, teaching us not to judge a book by its cover or a dog by its appearance. He has the impression that he is in a refuge.

She came to find a loving home, and her dream was granted. It turns out that this dog’s tiny deed made others feel so much affection and share her tale. Thousands of people have seen John Hwang’s images on social media.

“A lot of people were in love with this female dog and were trying all they could to attempt to get her out,” John says.

Leashes of Love Rescue, which specialized in rescuing dogs from high-death shelters, was among many devastated by the dog’s fate. Cathi Perez, a group volunteer, picked up the dog, called “Annabelle,” as soon as the shelter listed her for adoption. When Annabelle was brought to Cathi, she was standing, offering kisses and waving her tail.

“She was so delighted to get out of her kennel,” Kathy explains. Simply going for a stroll outside. The second time she came out, she was overjoyed. She wasn’t the same dog anymore.

She was brought to the vet for a checkup to cure an eye infection, which was one of a number of health concerns that needed to be treated. She will be picked up in a few days by a lady who has already provided her a permanent home.

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