I overheard my husband asking our 4-year-old son not to tell me what he saw – Days later, I uncovered the shocking truth myself

After four miscarriages and plenty of plain to overcome, Paige and her husband, Victor, finally welcomed a child in their life.

The two were a great couple who knew what worked for them and what didn’t. After every miscarriage, Victor assured Paige that everything would be all right eventually, and that if they couldn’t have a baby of their own, they could always consider other options. His words were always comforting.

When baby Mason was welcomed into the world, it felt like all those shattered dreams had finally pieced themselves together. He became the center of his parents’ lives and they put him above everything else, including their careers.

Being a chief executive with a clothing brand, Paige needed to travel a lot because she was involved in every step of the product designs.

This didn’t bother her much because she knew Victor was a wonderful father who took great care of their child whenever she was away from home.


When Mason turned four, Paige knew he was about to enter pre-school soon so she decided to limit her work trips in order to be able to spend more time with him.

One time, Paige was away from home for three days, and once her work was done, she was eager to get home to her family and give her son a hug. Little did she know that this time would be different.

As she entered, the house was strangely quiet, with faint shuffling noises coming from upstairs.

Victor’s voice was hushed but urgent — the same urgency that Mason associated with misbehavior and bedtime.

“Buddy, you’ve got to promise me one thing, okay?” Victor said.

“Okay,” Mason muttered innocently. “What is it?”

“You’ve got to promise me that you won’t tell Mom what you saw.”

“But I don’t like secrets,” Mason said. “Why can’t I tell Mommy?”


Victor let out a deep sigh — its echo seemed to ripple through the house, as if carried by the air.

“It’s not a secret, Mason,” he said. “But if we tell Mommy, it’s going to make her sad. Do you want Mommy to be sad, buddy?”

“No, I don’t,” Mason answered.

At that moment, pretending she didn’t hear a thing, Paige yelled, “Mason! Victor! Mom’s home!”

“What’s going on?” she asked, as Mason leaped into her arms.

“Nothing, honey,” Victor said, winking. “Just a boys’ chat. Welcome home.”


Since Victor was the perfect husband and father, Paige tried to convince herself that the conversation she overheard was truly nothing important. She thought to herself that Victor probably gave Mason too many sweets or let him eat junk food, and that’s what they tried to hide from her.

However, letting it go seemed harder that she thought.

The week that followed and the trip she had to take were both a blessing and a curse for Paige. As much as she loved her job, the thought of leaving Mason saddened her profoundly. She only found solace in the photos Victor sent her, and one of those photos brought more questions than answers.

In one of the photos showing Mason playing with his toys, Paige spotted blue shows she had never seen before. They weren’t hers, yet they were there in her living room.

Paige decided to scroll through each of the photos Victor has ever sent her, and she did find more evidence of someone being in their home while she was away. Was it a nanny he hired to take care of their son? If yes, she had a very expensive taste.

This time, Paige decided to return home without telling Victor. She wanted to surprise him.

Once home from her trip, she entered straight to Mason’s room who had just woken up and was rubbing his eyes.

“Dad’s not downstairs?” she asked, as she could hear noises coming from the bedroom. “Mommy, don’t go in there. You’ll be sad,” Mason warned her.

In the bedroom, Victor was in bed with another woman. “Paige!” he exclaimed, sitting up in bed. “It’s not what you think!”

“Do I look that stupid?”

The woman took her clothes and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her.


The ensuing confrontation was a whirlwind of tears, accusations, and heartbreak. Victor attempted to deny everything, relying on his charm. Paige knew that if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she might have fallen for his lies.

“I have nothing else to say to you,” Paige said.

“What did you expect, Paige?” Victor asked.

The woman fled the house and Paige was left to confront the man she no longer knew.

“You’re never here,” he lashed out. “You’re never around. And when you’re home, you spend all your time on Mason or working. What about me?”

He tried to portray himself as a victim. “I need human contact, too,” he said. “And I don’t know what you get up to when you’re flying all over the country. I bet you’ve got stories, too.”

“No, Victor,” she said. “I’m not you. My vows meant something to me.”


Eventually, Paige asked Victor to move out and filed for divorce. Reflecting on that conversation between him and Mason that she had overheard, Paige realized the signs were always there, but she tried to ignore them because she only saw the good in her soon to be ex-husband.

Smith modeled for huge names in the fashion industry among which Guess, H&M, Heatherette and Lane Bryant.

16 years after her death, the name of Anna Nicole Smith still stands for fame and controversy. She was a model, an actress, and a television personality who first gained popularity when she won the title of 1993 Playmate of the Year after posing for Playboy magazine.

“I love the paparazzi,” she once told the Washington Post.

“They take pictures, and I just smile away. I’ve always liked the attention. I didn’t get very much growing up, and I always wanted to be, you know, noticed.”

Anna Nicole Smith in 1990 (Photo by Barry King/WireImage)

Sadly, the life of glamour took its toll. Smith married petroleum tycoon J. Howard Marshall who was 63 years her senior. This relationship wasn’t just controversial, but a high-profile one and many believe it marked the start of Smith’s downfall. Six months after tying the knot, then 90-year-old Marshal died.

Following his passing, Smith and Marshal’s family got involved in a long and controversial legal battle over his fortune and assets. The case ultimately went as high as the US Supreme Court in 2006.

In 2007, a tragedy struck beautiful Smith died of overdose in 2007, just a few months after she gave birth to her baby daughter Dannielynn. After her death, several men claimed to be the baby’s dad and after paternity tests were ordered, Larry Birkhead got paternity rights.

Today, Dannielynn is all grown up and resembles both her mom and her dad. In fact, she got the best of both and is a real beauty.

Larry takes great care of his daughter and shares adorable photos of the fun time they spend together. They live in Kentucky and Larry makes sure his daughter’s life is as normal as possible. She attends a public school and has a lot of friends.

A photograph of Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall II sits next to Marshall’s casket. (Photo by Greg Smith/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Speaking of her likes and dislikes and what makes her happy, Larry says Dannielynn wants to follow into her late mom’s footsteps when it comes to acting.

The girl once said, “It’s really cool to like, act as a character and not yourself. It’s like portraying a new person. It’s fun.” She and her dad have appeared on several shows such as ‘Life after Anna’, ‘Wife Swap‘, and ‘The Millionaire Matchmaker.’

Dannielynn wants to try herself as a YouTuber, but her dad thinks she’s way too young to be doing something like that. He wants her to stay out of the spotlight and enjoy her teen years the way her friends do. Speaking to US Weekly, Larry said, “If it’s something you want to do when you get older, you can, but right now let’s sell some Girl Scout cookies.”

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Some years ago, an unnamed source told National Enquirer, “Anna Nicole was seduced by the showbiz lifestyle, and Larry wants to make sure Dannielynn doesn’t end up like her. “[Anna Nicole was] chasing stardom and surrounded by greedy hangers-on.”

However, Larry does his best to keep the memory of Smith alive. Last year, Dannielynn paid tribute to her mom by wearing her heat from her appearance at the Kentucky Derby in 2004 and a pink dress. The resemblance with her mom is there, although as she grows older, Dannielynn seems to be taking more after her dad.

Speaking of her character, Larry told Fox News, “She’s fun and fearless like her mom was. She’s a good kid. I’m just happy that I’ve been able to spend all the time I have been able to have with her.”

Getty Images – Stephen J. Cohen 

At the Barnstable Brown Gala that took place ahead of the Derby, the now-17-year-old wore a blouse with photographs of her mom. Larry wore a tie featuring the same images.

“She’s showing off her fashion sense but at the same time paying tribute to her mom,” Larry said. He added that he and his daughter had decided to pay tribute to Anna Nicole Smith because it marked the 20th anniversary of the day he had met the model back in 2003. At the time, he was a photographer covering the event.

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The late model’s clothes are in Larry’s possession so Dannielynn often goes through them.

“And everything she has of her mom’s is cataloged in storage, with photos of the event where she wore it,” Larry revealed.

“So someday, she can give them to her kids if she wants to.”

We hope Dannielynn will fulfill all her dreams.

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