The Forgotten Tools of Typing: Typewriter Eraser Brushes

What Are Typewriter Eraser Brushes?

The circular objects in the image are typewriter erasers, which came with a small brush attached to them. The erasers themselves were made from soft materials like rubber, often infused with fine abrasives.

This combination was designed to remove ink or typewriter ribbon marks from paper, which was the
primary method of correcting mistakes on a typed document before the advent of white-out or digital editing.

The small brush on the tool was used to gently whisk away the eraser debris left on the paper after erasing a letter or a word. In an age when typewriters ruled the business and literary worlds, these tools were essential to maintaining neat and professional-looking work.

A Snapshot in Time: When Eraser Brushes Were Essential

In the early to mid-20th century, typewriter eraser brushes were as common as correction fluid or digital backspace keys are today. Every typist had one on their desk because, despite their best efforts, mistakes in typing were inevitable. These tools allowed for correcting those mistakes without the need to retype an entire

Back then, carbon paper was often used for making copies, so one mistake could mean fixing multiple sheets of paper. Eraser brushes were gentle enough not to tear the delicate paper yet effective at removing the erroneous marks.

The Decline of the Typewriter Era

With the rise of word processors and eventually personal computers, typewriters
quickly became obsolete. The need for such specialized erasers faded as digital
text allowed for instantaneous editing. Today, these erasers are rare relics from a
time when typing was both an art and a skill.

For those who remember using these eraser brushes, seeing one today is a nostalgic reminder of how much the world of writing and editing has evolved. The phrase “times have changed” has never been truer, especially when comparing the
challenges of fixing a typewritten document to the ease of modern technology’s undo button.

A Niche Collectible

Today, typewriter eraser brushes are considered collectibles. Vintage enthusiasts and lovers of retro office supplies value them for their simplicity and effectiveness. Though they might look out of place in a world dominated by digital devices, they serve as a testament to the ingenuity of past generations and the unique tools
that once supported everyday tasks.

Conclusion: From Essential to Obsolete

For those who’ve never used a typewriter, the tools in the image may seem mysterious, even obsolete. But for older generations, they bring back memories of the rhythmic clacking of typewriter keys, the smell of ink ribbons, and the ever- present eraser brush sitting nearby. Times have certainly changed, and as with many innovations, what was once essential now rests quietly in history’s archives

Kathie Lee Gifford Celebrates Birthday of Grandson Named after Her Late Husband — He Looks ‘So Much like His Grandpa’

Kathie Lee Gifford recently celebrated her grandson’s birthday.

Gifford’s grandson once dressed up as his late grandfather.

Gifford’s son and his partner are in a happy relationship.

Kathie Lee Gifford is best known as a co-host on “Today” on NBC. She has been a staple on the network for many years, and fans have become acquainted with her family as she often talks and posts about them.

Most recently, Gifford shared the news that her grandson had celebrated his birthday. Fans and friends alike took to the comments section of her post to wish the young man a happy birthday and express how much they loved the family.

Gifford shared a photo of her grandson strapped into his car seat, beaming at the camera, and wished him a happy birthday before saying::

“So grateful to God for the gift of Frankie.”

Gifford’s grandson is named after her late husband, Frank Gifford, who passed away in 2015. Many fans mentioned they could see Frankie’s grandfather in the child, while others thought he looked more like his father, Cody.

Other fans wished little Frankie a happy birthday, while others talked about how cute the tot was. Some people thought Frankie looked like his mom, but most saw a strong resemblance to his father and grandfather.

One fan said that he was clearly doing his namesake justice and they knew Frank would have been proud. Another called him his “father’s twin” while others called him “adorable.” An adoring commenter said Frankie was “like his Grandpa and daddy.”

Frankie Dressed Up As “Big Frank”
In keeping with the sentiment that little Frankie looks so much like his late grandfather, Gifford’s daughter-in-law, Erika, shared a sweet comparison photo of the pair in January this year. The first photo showed Frank Gifford as a young man, and the following picture showed Frankie dressed in an almost identical outfit.

Erika called Frank Gifford “Big Frank” and her son “Little Frankie” before saying they were proud of Frank’s previous NFL team, the New York Giants. Frank holds a football in the first photo, while in the second, Frankie chews on a plush toy version. Fans were charmed by the pictures.

Some once again commented on how alike the pair were, while other fans thought the comparison photos were “the cutest.” Gifford herself commented on the snaps saying how adorable the comparison was.

Fans mentioned that Frank, Cody, and baby Frankie all looked very much alike. Some fans thought that Frank would have loved to meet his grandson and said they were three generations of lookalikes in the family.

Others simply said baby Frankie looked “so much like his Grandpa” as others again talked about how proud Frank would have been of the tiny tot.

Who Is Gifford’s Daughter-In-Law and Her Son’s Long-Term Love?
Gifford shares a close relationship with Cody’s wife, Erika, and when he proposed in 2019, Gifford shared her joy that her son had found the love of his life and was set to tie the knot with her.

Shortly after the proposal, Gifford took to Instagram to share a photo of her son and then-soon-to-be daughter-in-law kissing as Erika held up a bejeweled left hand. Many people sent messages of congratulations on the post.

Cody’s sister, Cassidy, also shared the news of her brother’s engagement on Instagram, saying how happy she was for the pair and that she was excited to welcome Erika into the family as her sister.

Fans commented on the engagement posts and said Frank would have been proud of his son. A year later, Cody and Erika caused mass excitement again on their September wedding day.

Gifford again used Instagram as her news platform, sharing that her son and daughter-in-law exchanged vows on Labor Day weekend. She featured a photo of the bride and groom walking and holding hands as they gazed into one another’s eyes. The caption read:

“God gave us a glorious day to celebrate this glorious couple. So grateful.”

Before Erika and Cody got engaged, they had been together since 2013, and Gifford was more than ready to welcome Erika into the family officially. Erika shared that although 2020 had been a challenging year for many, their wedding was a silver lining in a dark cloud.

Erika shared that only their closest family and friends had been in attendance, and they had taken all the necessary precautions to make it “the most blessed and perfect day of [their] lives.” However, the wedding had its share of hiccups.

Erika had a personalized veil, but the word “the” was misspelled as “The.” She joked it was to be expected from a year like 2020. Gifford commented that it was a testament to their love that they didn’t let slight inconveniences ruin the day.

Cody and Erika welcomed their son into the world two years after they tied the knot. When naming his son, Cody knew he wanted to honor his father and name his baby after him.

Cody and Erika named their son Frank Michael Gifford, and when Gifford found out, she admitted:

“I was surprised Cody named him after his dad because Cody knew what it was like to grow up in the shadow of a great man. But I guess he’s never gotten over, really, and he never will, the loss of his dad at an early age, and he was his hero, and he still is.”

Gifford shared that when she got the news that her son was expecting a baby, she told him that his father would be so happy with all the positive things happening in their lives and that he was smiling down on them.

Little Frankie’s name does not only honor his late grandfather but also a family member on Erika’s side. Frankie’s middle name, Michael, is a tribute to Erika’s uncle, who passed shortly before the little tike was born.

Frankie was born three weeks premature, but he and his mother were healthy following the birth, and he has now grown into a bouncing, happy, and healthy one-year-old who is adored by his family and his grandmother’s fans worldwide.

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