12 Things That Are Not Worth the Money We Spend on Them

With the help of colorful advertising, manufacturers manage to sell us absolutely useless things. We diligently search for these items on the supermarket shelves, spend a lot of money on them, recommend them to our friends and family, and then we are disappointed to find out that they are totally useless. Or that they work quite well, but are very overpriced.

Women’s antiperspirants

Ads that claim that the formulas of men’s and women’s antiperspirants are significantly different are, to put it mildly, misleading. In fact, companies use only different aromas in the manufacture of these products, but the chemical compounds that neutralize the smell of sweat in all antiperspirants are almost the same. It makes no sense to buy an antiperspirant that is designed specifically for women.

Dietary supplements

Many people take dietary supplements to boost their immune system and improve their health. But in fact, if a person has a healthy diet, they don’t need any additional supplements.

According to doctors, these supplements are not harmful, but their benefits are also questionable. These supplements can’t replace a healthy diet anyway.

Ionic air purifiers

© Ben Baligad / Flickr© CC BY 2.0 DEED

Ionic air purifiers that are not equipped with filters are not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous to your health. These devices are supposed to capture tiny particles with negatively charged ions, but in return they release small amounts of ozone that can be harmful to breathe in. It’s best to just buy an air purifier with replaceable filters.

Drain cleaners

Drain cleaners are designed to clear clogs, but they actually do more harm than good. The hydrochloric acid in these products can dissolve not only grease and dirt, but also the pipes themselves. In addition, it can ruin your enamel and other bathroom finishes.

And if a blockage is caused by a dense material that has accidentally fallen into the sewerage system, these cleaners will be totally useless. It’s best to get a plunger and a snake, which are more effective.

Screen cleaners for electronics

These cleaners work well, but they are also quite costly. According to experts, you can also use plain water to clean monitors and screens. A microfiber cloth soaked in it cleans surfaces as effectively as a special product.

Woven hampers and laundry baskets

© Michael Coghlan / Flickr© CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED© Emily May / Flickr© CC BY 2.0 DEED

These items look cute, but they are not very convenient to use. If you put too much laundry into the basket, it can become misshapen. In addition, laundry often clings to protruding branches and twigs, so a basket can also ruin your clothes. It’s more sensible to buy a hamper made of dense fabric that can be collapsed when it’s not in use.

Large containers of spices and condiments

Buying spices in large jars seems like a great idea if you want to save the family budget. But spices have a limited shelf life, and we rarely use them in large quantities. So, it’s likely they’ll degrade before you finish them. So, it’s best to buy spices in small containers.

Veggie puffs, rice crackers and other «healthy» chip substitutes

© Kate Hopkins / Flickr© CC BY 2.0 DEED

All these snacks seem to be a great alternative to chips because they are supposed to be healthy. In reality, however, these snacks contain various additives and oils. Plus, they’re usually high in calories and lack nutrients. It’s better to make carrot sticks or freeze grapes. Such snacks are cheaper and healthier.

Heat protective shampoos

© freepik / Freepik

According to some experts, buying shampoos and conditioners with heat protection is a waste of money. They won’t harm your hair, but there are few benefits either. It’s better to buy a heat protective spray, which really helps to protect your curls from the effects of high temperatures.

Buying a moisturizing shampoo can also be a pointless waste of money. The substances used in these products weigh down the strands, so that the hair becomes greasy faster. So, you end up having to wash your hair more often.

Sheet masks

© freepik / Freepik

Sheet masks have gained unprecedented popularity. Some women note that the skin really looks better after using them. But in fact, the effect of using masks is temporary, while they cost a lot. At the same time, masks have the same effect as moisturizers and lotions, so it’s financially unreasonable to spend a lot of money on them.


Excessive use of them not only doesn’t help, but in some cases can even harm your skin. Dermatologists claim that too frequent use of moisturizers can make it difficult to exfoliate dead skin cells, change your skin’s natural balance of water, and slow down the natural production of lipids and proteins. If your skin seems dry, you need to consume enough fluids.

In addition, there is no point of paying more for moisturizers that contain vitamins. Usually, the amount of these substances is too small to somehow affect the condition of the skin. But even if there are a lot of them in the composition, this is also not a plus — vitamins tend to quickly disintegrate under the influence of sunlight and oxygen.

Feminine hygiene products

The delicate parts of a woman’s body don’t need special cosmetic products. Moreover, gels with aromatic additives can break the natural barrier that protects the body from bacteria and infections, and can also cause irritation.

It’s optimal to use plain water for hygiene procedures. Or you can use soap for sensitive skin without any additives and fragrances.

And here is the list of useful items that can make your everyday life so much easier.

My MIL Snuck My Son Out at Night – What She Planned Next Had Me in Shock

Escaping my ex-husband should have marked the end of my nightmare, but instead, it was just the start of a new one. When my former mother-in-law showed up at our new home, I never imagined her obsession would lead to a morning I still can’t forget. What she did to my son, Tyler, was something I could never forgive.

Being a single mom already feels like running a marathon that never ends. There’s work, chores, and taking care of Tyler—it’s a lot to handle. But when you add an ex-mother-in-law who’s determined to make your life harder? That’s when things truly start to spiral out of control.

Source: Midjourney

I live with my 10-year-old son, Tyler, in a cozy little house. It’s not fancy, but it’s ours, and I’m proud of it. I bought it after splitting from my ex-husband, Billy, thanks to some smart investments I’d made. Who knew those would be my way out?

Billy and I were together for about 15 years. During that time, I knew him as a kind and compassionate man who treated women with respect.

I used to think his mother, Valerie, had raised a really good man. But things between us started to change, and so did my view of everything.

It all started when Billy lost his job in finance and couldn’t find one that paid him the same. This change really turned his life upside down. He began staying out all night, spending our savings at casinos. One day, I tried to talk some sense into him.

“Why don’t you accept one of those job offers, Billy?” I asked gently. “I know the pay isn’t great, but it’s better than nothing, right?”

“I told you I don’t want to settle for less!” he snapped at me. “Did I ask you for advice? Stop bothering me with your unwanted career advice and go find something else to do!”

That was just a taste of what I had to deal with. But I kept giving him chances, hoping he would change. It broke my heart to see the man I loved become so miserable and angry.

Then came the day when I realized I couldn’t stay with him anymore, especially not with Tyler around.

I remember it was a Thursday night, and Billy wasn’t home when I got back from work. I thought he must be at the casino or the club like usual.

“Where’s Daddy?” Tyler asked me as I tucked him into bed.

I hated lying to him, but what could I say?

“He’s out for some work, honey,” I lied, unable to meet my son’s eyes.

Tyler is smart, though.

“Work? But you said Daddy doesn’t work anymore,” he replied. “I don’t think he’s at work.”

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, love,” I said, running my hand through his hair. “Now come on, it’s time to sleep.”

After leaving Tyler’s room, I headed to mine for some much-needed rest. But as I approached, I heard muffled noises.

I heard Billy’s voice, and that was okay. But then I heard a woman’s voice in MY bedroom.

Source: Midjourney

It all started when Billy lost his job in finance and couldn’t find one that paid him the same. This change really turned his life upside down. He began staying out all night, spending our savings at casinos. One day, I tried to talk some sense into him.

“Why don’t you accept one of those job offers, Billy?” I asked gently. “I know the pay isn’t great, but it’s better than nothing, right?”

“I told you I don’t want to settle for less!” he snapped at me. “Did I ask you for advice? Stop bothering me with your unwanted career advice and go find something else to do!”

That was just a taste of what I had to deal with. But I kept giving him chances, hoping he would change. It broke my heart to see the man I loved become so miserable and angry.

Then came the day when I realized I couldn’t stay with him anymore, especially not with Tyler around.

I remember it was a Thursday night, and Billy wasn’t home when I got back from work. I thought he must be at the casino or the club like usual.

“Where’s Daddy?” Tyler asked me as I tucked him into bed.

I hated lying to him, but what could I say?

“He’s out for some work, honey,” I lied, unable to meet my son’s eyes.

Tyler is smart, though.

“Work? But you said Daddy doesn’t work anymore,” he replied. “I don’t think he’s at work.”

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, love,” I said, running my hand through his hair. “Now come on, it’s time to sleep.”

After leaving Tyler’s room, I headed to mine for some much-needed rest. But as I approached, I heard muffled noises.

I heard Billy’s voice, and that was okay. But then I heard a woman’s voice in MY bedroom.

Source: Midjourney

I won’t go into details about what I saw when I opened that door. Let’s just say it was the final straw.

Billy wasn’t just cheating. He had no respect for me or his role as a father. Who brings their mistress home when their wife and child are there? A man who doesn’t care, that’s who.

So, to make a long story short, I left Billy the next day and sent him the divorce papers. He didn’t even try to fight for custody or visitation rights.

After leaving the house, we stayed at a friend’s place until I found our new home. It’s about two hours away from Billy’s place, and I thought Tyler and I could live peacefully here. But that was not the case.

There was one person determined to be part of our lives: Billy’s mother, Valerie.

I had no idea she had been stalking us until she showed up at our doorstep. We had barely been in our new place for two days when I heard that dreaded knock.

I opened the door, and there she was with her perfectly styled gray hair. My ex-MIL, Valerie, was ready to make our lives miserable.

“Margaret, dear! I’m here to see my grandson,” she said cheerfully, as if showing up uninvited was perfectly normal.

“Come in, Valerie,” I replied with a fake smile. “But please keep it short. We were just about to have dinner.”

She walked past me and headed into the living room.

“So, this is where you’ve been hiding,” she remarked. “It’s quaint.”

“Tyler’s in his room,” I said, trying to change the subject. “I’ll go get him.”

But before I could move, Valerie turned to me. The look on her face was something I’d never seen before.

“Margaret, we need to talk about Billy,” she began. “You shouldn’t have left him like that.”

I could feel my cheeks burning with anger.

“Valerie, that’s none of your business. My relationship with Billy is over.”

“But I’m worried about Tyler,” she insisted. “A boy needs his father. You’re being selfish by keeping him away from his family.”

That was it. I’d had enough.

Source: Midjourney

Then, I checked the bathroom, the living room, and even looked under his bed. Nothing. He wasn’t there.

I could feel my heart pounding hard against my chest.

Where was he? I thought. Had he wandered out in the night? No, my boy would never do that.

Then I realized I needed to check the security cameras. So, I picked up my phone with shaking hands and looked at the footage from last night. I couldn’t believe what I saw.


My knees felt weak, and I gripped the counter to keep from falling. What did she mean? Where was she taking him?

I paced in the living room, waiting for the police to arrive. At that point, I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think straight. All I knew was that I had to get my son back before it was too late.

Thank God they took it seriously and immediately started tracing her phone.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the police got a lead. Valerie’s car had been spotted near the town cemetery. It was about 20 miles from our house.

What on earth is Valerie doing there with Tyler? I thought.

Before long, the police drove me to the cemetery. As we pulled up, I saw Valerie standing near a gravestone with Tyler, who looked half-asleep. She was talking to him in a low voice.

“Tyler!” I screamed, jumping out of the car before it had fully stopped.

Valerie’s head snapped up, and she looked angry.

“No!” she shouted. “He needs to be with his daddy!”

The police were right behind me. They grabbed Valerie before she could do anything else, and I scooped Tyler into my arms, crying with relief.

As they led her away, Valerie kept muttering about how Billy “wanted his son back.” It was clear she had lost touch with reality a long time ago.

That day, I promised myself I would never let Valerie near my son again. She’s in custody now, but the memory of that morning still haunts me.

I don’t know if I’ll ever truly feel safe again.

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